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nullarbor 2006 results

             ____ ___          _____           _______         ________       
 _ _________/   //   \____    /    /   _______/   _   \_______/    _   \_____  _
 \ \        \  //    /   /   /    /___/   _   \  /   _/   _   \   /    / _   \ / 
   /   _    /       /   /___/         /  /    /      \   _    /  /    / /   _/
 _/   //   /_______/        /________/       /___/___/       /_______/      \
 \___//___/      /_________/       /____/___/       \_______/      /____/___/ 

                        N - U - L - L - A - B - O - R
                                  2 - 0 - 0 - 6
                          R - E - S - U - L - T - S

  ______________      __                             __      ______________  
  \___          \    /  \       _____________       /  \    /          ___/  
    \___         \__/  __\_____/             \_____/__  \__/         ___/    
      \___         /  /       /   DEMO COMP   \       \  \         ___/      
        \_________/  /_______/  _____________  \_______\  \_________/        
                 \  /    \  ___/             \___  /    \  /                 
                  \/      \/                     \/      \/                  
1. Desolation - Affinity [132 points]               
2. Landscape Visualization - Ryan De Boer [86 points]
3. No Time - Affinity [76 points]
4. Recursion - Professors Slightly [34 points]

  ______________      __                             __      ______________  
  \___          \    /  \       _____________       /  \    /          ___/  
    \___         \__/  __\_____/             \_____/__  \__/         ___/    
      \___         /  /       /   GAME COMP   \       \  \         ___/      
        \_________/  /_______/  _____________  \_______\  \_________/        
                 \  /    \  ___/             \___  /    \  /                 
                  \/      \/                     \/      \/                  
1. Drive it like you stole it - Jonathan O'Brien [86 points]
2. KroolJoolz - Digital Ventures [68 points]
3. Smiley Squabble - Matt Stentiford [58 points]
4. Bongo in the Congo - Instinkt [37 points]
5. Gravity Angels - Anti-Cog Studios [34 points]
6. Zombie Project - S0MEGuY, Crusader & Silver_Marine [23 points]
7. CombatCopter - Instinkt [16 points]
8. AirbornDoom - Instinkt  [8 points]
  ______________      __                             __      ______________  
  \___          \    /  \       _____________       /  \    /          ___/  
    \___         \__/  __\_____/             \_____/__  \__/         ___/    
      \___         /  /       /  iNTRO  COMP  \       \  \         ___/      
        \_________/  /_______/  _____________  \_______\  \_________/        
                 \  /    \  ___/             \___  /    \  /                 
                  \/      \/                     \/      \/                  

1. Forraltbor - Rebels (11,776 bytes) [110 points]
2. Retro4K - Affinity (4,089 bytes) [95 points]
3. FroomX - Fractoid (60,960 bytes) [71 points]
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