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Flashparty 2005 results

                        f l a s h   p a r t y  2 o o 5
                                  v 7 . 0
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                 r e l e a s e s    a n d    r e s u l t s !

           #1 Tu vieja es digital by Vanferd                     61.54%
           #2 My First Ascii by janux                            38.46%
           #3 bush by acidbrain                                   0.00%
           #4 supermario trozz by lightblue crew                  0.00%
           #5 clonning by ale garcia                              0.00%
           Fast Gfx (Not voting)                                 
           Germinacion Bit by Ale                                
           Germinacion del poroto By Aimee Allen                 
           Germinacion poroto by Lalara                          
           Germinal by Trinchera_II                              
           Porotito chulo by bloody kitty                        
           Poroto by Shu                                         
           tELEKINESIS by Vanferd and Mephisto                   
           Vientre dulce vientre by Kai                          
           Flash Demos                                           
           #1 hER mAJESTY by nela_and_valerialaura               50.00%
           #2 Demo Attempt by janux                              50.00%
           Gfx 3D                                                
           #1 technics mk2 by lea                                75.00%
           #2 lux 2 by bloody kitty                              25.00%
           #3 IntroSpace by Aimee Allen                           0.00%
           Disqualified: lux by bloody kitty                     
           Gfx 8b                                                
           #1 Junkie by Nis                                      35.71%
           #2 Live The Counter by Aimee Allen                    28.57%
           #3 kitty defazada by bloody kitty                     21.43%
           #4 Adepta Penitentia by Vanferd                       14.29%
           Gfx Freestyle                                         
           #1 Gwen by Nis                                        50.00%
           #2 Maserati by Bushido                                25.00%
           #3 Flor by Wendigo                                    25.00%
           #4 Psychedelico by Lalara                              0.00%
           Gfx Hirez                                             
           #1 Bruce Lee by Bushido                               70.00%
           #2 yellow kitty by bloody kitty                       30.00%
           Gfx Photoart                                          
           #1 ciriuz en la pantalla grande by bloody kitty       25.00%
           #2 El Dios Cabra by Arouet                            25.00%
           #3 Digital Nessie Attacks Paris by nachomirandosico   18.75%
           #4 Jabon by CelestitoCrew                             18.75%
           #5 Los Gatos que alumbran by trescomacatorcequince    12.50%
           #6 Scary Me by Nadsat                                  0.00%
           #7 AYBBTUS by Time Wizzard                             0.00%
           Intros 128k
           #1 Pretty Random Data by s0bamE                       85.71%
           #2 4k rulz by Aquatic                                 14.29%
           #3 cositos by Marquete                                 0.00%
           Mp3 Music
           #1 New Messiah by janux                               57.14%
           #2 Celibato Voluntario by Nadsat                      14.29%
           #3 Satra by rave-n                                    14.29%
           #4 BITCH by MUSASERO                                   7.14%
           #5 Muy a gusto by Costello                             7.14%
           #6 Mantra by nocnoc                                    0.00%
           #7 Bizarre by Impurer0se                               0.00%
           #8 Ways to Goa by DarkWolf                             0.00%
           #9 Raggamushroom by Cape                               0.00%

           Tracking (Not voting)
           trancefusion_of_dreams by Impurer0se

           #1 Play movil's life by RiGun                        100.00%
           #2 3segundos by pera                                   0.00%
           Wildemo - Not shown: 
           Graffiti movie low by Bushido
           Apoteosis by Mephisto, Kai and .. Unknown!

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