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.:.........::: : [÷] ·S· ·P· ·A· ·W· ·N· [÷]
· :...:..............................
: offcial results and party guests list :
: from astrosyn`97 held in koszalin, :
: poland on december 13-14th. check it out! :
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1 9 9 7
offcial party results published by Astrosyn Staff
amiga demo competition (6 entries / all selected):
| lp | entry | title | group |
01... #06... everything dies ............... venus art
02... #02... capsule ....................... appendix
03... #01... kinematic (preview)............ alien productions+interceptors
04... #03... profanation ................... genetic
05... #05... nude part 4 ................... honoo
06... #04... fecha ......................... embora
amiga intro64kb competition (12 entries / all selected):
| lp | entry | title | group |
01... #07... quagmire .............ahi,cgfx! venus art
02... #01... control! ...................... haujobb
03... #06... ping-phong .................... nah-kolor
04... #11... up n`x ........................ appendix
05... #12... whizzz! ...................fpu! anadune
06... #05... phase ......................... phase-truce
07... #08... sacrebleu ..................... mawi
08... #09... shit happens .................. kameli
09... #03... fuck .......................... przyjaciele stefana b.
10... #02... dysentery ..................... victims
11... #10... tomar ......................... embora
12... #04... fuck #amigapl ..............030 przyjaciele stefana b.
amiga intro4kb competition (4 entries / all selected):
| lp | entry | title | group |
01... #02... little bug .................... genetic
02... #04... useless ....................... appendix
03... #03... prism part 2 .................. absurd
04... #01... brick ......................... mawi
pc demo com+petition (5 entries / all selected):
| lp | entry | title | group |
01... #05... technological impression ...... norferin
02... #03... memento mori .................. fuse
03... #04... narcotic nap .................. hellcore
04... #02... shuvax ........................ cryogen
05... #01... res-7 ......................... pointman
pc intro64kb competition (3 entries / all selected):
| lp | entry | title | group |
01... #03... shity shit .................... hopeless
02... #02... mathematica ................... enenzi
03... #01... formaline ..................... fuse
pc intro4kb competition (5 entries / all selected):
| lp | entry | title | group |
01... #03... sut ........................... hellcore
02... #01... excuse ........................ pointman
03... #02... 4kb ........................... pulse+skid row
04... #04... burn! ......................... grinders
05... #05... 4kb ........................... unknown
4channel music competition (31 entries / 11 selected):
| lp | entry | title | name |
01... #02... final battle .................. xtd/mystic
02... #06... funkadelic .................... prodigy/oops!
03... #04... at the sunrise ................ protas/frs+nah+mawi+grid
--... #05... chemical speed ................ dagon/gel design
05... #11... xcination ..................... cedyn/freezers
06... #10... checkpoint .................... lunar/?
07... #03... mamo, jade na goa! ............ dave
08... #01... darkworld ..................... standhall
09... #09... it`s alright .................. marc/haujobb+sector 7
10... #07... in a deep ..................... revisq/flp+nah+and+fuse+msc
11... #08... hominy grits .................. kure4kancer/rno
acidrave ...................... raptor/digital corruption
embora ........................ deixas/embora
host error .................... gigant/?
i`m not automatic ............. black dragon/honoo+led
incorect ...................... tuner/303
industrial goa ................ hris/redbullz
kameli groove on .............. dj.esrepnikah/kameli
life .......................... radium/oops!
magic ......................... corrosion/darkage+gns
midnight ...................... binar/phase truce
nebulous sight ................ superfml/appendix+psl
orava ......................... children/kyllikki saari
pizda-max ..................... max/?
poisoned atmosphere ........... tzx/thefect+sector 5
hienosto 2 .................... rakazi/embora
sense ......................... dr.max/ind & grogon/picco
shake it honey ................ pekka pou/da jormas
stative ....................... popcorn/picco+absurd
suicide ....................... adamsoft/pic saint loup
thud-wave ..................... grogon/picco
multichannel music competition (33 entries / 12 selected):
| lp | entry | title | name |
01 .. #03... mission goa ................... raze/nah-kolor
02... #07... ugly duckling ................. falcon/pulse
03... #01... sulphuric acid ................ superfml/appendix+psl [dbm]
04... #10... under attack .................. contriver/suspect
05... #12... explore ....................... protas/frs+grid+nah+mawi
06... #05... do what`s good ................ key g/pulse
07... #11... dust .......................... rav/liberty
-- .. #04... habakuk ....................... jimmy blunt/monar
09... #02... suggestopedia ................. muffler/haujobb+dcs
10... #08... pocket ........................ lsd/hypnotize
12... #06... orange excess ................. revisq/flp+nah+and+fuse
11... #09... drifted ....................... boo/talent
graphics competition (46 entries / 14 selected):
| lp | entry | title | name |
01 .. #01... voodoo ........................ mustafa/cruel+floppy
02 .. #10... rycerzyk ...................... caro/nah-kolor+phase truce
03 .. #14... calma ......................... visual/nah-kolor+freezers
04 .. #04... addiction ..................... dzordan/anadune
05 .. #07... organizer ..................... madd/cruel
06 .. #03... mr. bean ...................... x-man
07 .. #11... sunshine ...................... fame/floppy+pulse
08 .. #05... fly ........................... kro/dinx project
09 .. #09... ramoz ......................... foli
10 .. #13... siaba ......................... insert/amnesty
11 .. #02... wyrocznia ..................... traitor/phase truce+tng
12 .. #08... outman ........................ nelson
13 .. #06... mordor ........................ zapi
14 .. #12... unknown ....................... unknown
trace competition (17 entries / 11 selected):
| lp | entry | title | name |
01 .. #05... underwater pressure ........... zoltan/amnesty+mawi
02 .. #03... wrak .......................... muad`dib/scum+taski
03 .. #02... sniadanie ..................... traitor/phase truce+tng
04 .. #08... dragon ........................ motion studio
05 .. #01... lech .......................... crash/?
06 .. #10... dune 4 ever ................... unknown
07 .. #09... bad toys ...................... souless/?
08 .. #04... pokoik ........................ mokry/?
09 .. #06... stop making this shit! ........ anty jabol
10 .. #07... virtua ........................ zapi/?
11 .. #11... letz play ..................... tygryzek/cf
amiga power!!! ................ unknown
bill gates .................... the generat/union
krdza ......................... freak/mad virgin+corrosion
landscape 20k ................. unknown
universal psychologic ......... mare/sailers
workdesk 2 .................... unknown
amiga/pc crazy demo competition (21 entries / 10 selected):
| lp | entry | title | name |
01 .. #01... chlopaki nie placa ............ przyjaciele stefana b.
02 .. #10... zdzisio ....................... untitled
03 .. #08... w kamiennym stolcu ............ odbyt design
04 .. #06... terminator .................... przyjaciele stefana b.
05 .. #02... big-bit design ................ grzesiek kocha disko
06 .. #07... where we go ................... anty jabol
07 .. #03... life moments .................. voodka people
08 .. #09... wyklad ........................ przyjaciele stefana b.
09 .. #05... mysza ......................... przyjaciele stefana b.
10 .. #04... mangadrome .................... reksio design
bluzger ....................... unknown [pc]
button ........................ monar
czarci jar .................... anty jabol
imples ........................ lamers
kristo ........................ ufop knojjn
multimedialna zwora ........... big-bit design
palimy kapcia ................. monar
perwersum 2 ................... odbyt design
propaganda .................... raptor/digital corruption
ravers ........................ sfalowany asfalt [pc/avi]
teleshit ...................... mayoness art productions
video demo competition (3 entries / all selected):
| lp | entry | title | name |
01... #03... vhs oo3? big-bit design
02... #02... jak programowac peceta big-bit design
03... #01... saturday night fever kameli
official party bonus stuff releases (8 prods):
| title | author | platform |
save da vinyl #9 .............. mawi ................ [pack] amiga
satelite'98 preinvitation ..... mawi+pic saint loup . [file] amiga/c-64
antydresiarz #3 ............... taski ............... [zine] amiga
glaz #2 ....................... phase truce ......... [zine] amiga
orgazm #3 ..................... scum ................ [zine] amiga
redpack #2 .................... redbullz ............ [pack] amiga
budyn #2 ...................... cortez/po!son ....... [zine] pc
klop #4 ....................... lexus ............... [pack] pc
p a r t y g u e s t s l i s t :
| amiga sceners: 188 | pc sceners: 120 | others: 062 | total visitors: ~370 |
chaotic order, add about 60 persons (girls, media, not payed tickets etc.)
if you`re not here and you visited the party, contact thr organisers -
we upgrade the file as soon as it`ll be possible
001. Azzaro/Mawi+Anadune AmIgA
002. Cure/Spawn PC
003. K_Rees/Astrosyn PC
004. Loopz/Astrosyn PC
005. Qix/Gods AmIgA
006. Jacko/Mawi PC
007. Bay-Tek/Mawi+Taski AmIgA
008. Drf/Luzik Dizajn AmIgA
009. Nasty/Astrosyn AmIgA
000. Wypij/Independent PC
011. Wlochaty/Independent PC
012. Anzelm/Independent PC
013. Dziq/Luzik Dizajn PC
014. Enter/Mawi AmIgA
015. Covenant/Link124 AmIgA
016. YooL/Crimson PC
017. FiL/Enenzi PC
018. dagon/gel dezign AmIgA
019. Ciaborg/uP AmIgA
020. jim/mawi AmIgA
021. rem/exmortis+procreation PC
022 zoltan/amnesty+mawi AmIgA
023 dagon/gel design AmIgA
024 hudi/old bulls AmIgA
025 zefir/joker AmIgA
026 Accord/Gel Design AmIgA
027. aln!/mawi+apx AmIgA
028. Pengo/Independent PC
029. Pointman/Independent PC
030. Katon/Lepsi Dev+Mcs+Stl C=64
031. Flapjack/Appendix AmIgA
032. Superfml/Appendix+psl AmIgA
033. DJ. Flash/APC PC
034. Adamsoft/Pic Saint Loup+APX AmIgA
035. Informer/Appendix AmIgA
036. Rider/Independent AmIgA
037. Madman/Appendix AmIgA
038. Andy/Anadune AmIgA
039. Speedie/Appendix AmIgA
040. Mr.Acryl/Anadune AmIgA
041. Yaal/Ind. AmIgA
042. XTD/Mystic AmIgA
043. Shexbeer/Lamers AmIgA
044. P242/Vegas AmIgA
045. Radi/INTerror PC
046. Fuzz/Zoom AmIgA
047. Soulless/The Lyrhium PC
048. Dagoon/Nightflyers+fcl PC
049. Gollum AmIgA
050. Nop/TheFect AmIgA
051. Thorr/Whelpz AmIgA
052. Dyziotox/Whelpz AmIgA
053. Baca/Whelpz AmIgA
054. Dr.Oczkins/Whelpz AmIgA
055. dzez/bigbit AmIgA
056. gorzyga/bb AmIgA
057. the generat/union AmIgA
058. Thom/Union AmIgA
059. Amst/Union AmIgA
060. Sonsee/Mosaic! PC
061. ARAB/Golab/KazimierzW PC/AmIgA
062. Steve/imer PC
063. Kya/Kaya AmIgA
064 Rysiek/Rysiek
065. Kordiaukis/Samqr C64
066. Jurgen/Fraction C64
067. szczygiel/? AmIgA
068. eLBAN/SCS*TRC C64
069. sebaloz/lepsi de c64
070. Visual/Nah+frs+GRiD PC+ AmIgA
071. Protas/Nah+FRS+MWi+GRiD AmIgA
072. cash/hellcore+mosaic!+monar PC
073. def/floppy monar mawi AmIgA
074. blaze/apx+flp+nah AmIgA
075. Revisq/Floppy+Anadune+Fuse+Nah AmIgA
076. jimmy blunt/monar [dave] PC/AmIgA
077. caustic/Alien Projects PC/AmIgA
078. shepherd/the interceptors AmIgA
079. Opat/ind PC
080. Shredder/M3e PC
081. lukass/m3e PC
082. Mishka/ind [polamany kulas :)]PC
083. Vicar/ind PC
084. Nephoo/Korozone PC
085. ghenesis/the grid+nah-kolor+monar PC
086. yarpen PC
087. digger/iris AmIgA
088. Thung/ind. AmIgA
089. Kiciu.ind AmIgA
090. Neuroup/APS AmIgA
091. LeV/TMC AmIgA
092. zapi/tlt AmIgA
093. Flower/TLT AmIgA/PC
094. Bloo/fuse/tpolm) PC
095. Cygan PC
096. Ruski PC
097. mario/reality AmIgA
098. Coro/Arise PC
099. Noizz/DraGoN PC
100. TuKa/DraGoN PC
101. fAtE/SpAwN+EnEnZi PC
102. ScOiS/InTeRrOr PC
103. Cavell/FCL+FLP PC/AmIgA
104. yves/thefect AmIgA
105. cooper/appendix AmIgA
106. Thor/ind AmIgA
107. Kaiser/Phase Truce AmIgA
108. Muad`Dib/SCUM+TASKI AmIgA
109. Amarok/the lyrhium PC
110. Sheriff/the lyrhium PC
111. Mune/Sailers AmIgA
112. Oro/Sailers AmIgA
113. BansEN/ The Lyrhium PC
114. cromax of alchemy AmIgA
115. Benny/ind. AmIgA
116. K44/ind. PC
117. Cancer/ind PC
118. TomBa/Red BullZ AmIgA
119. !SET! PC
120. insert/amnesty+norferin ?
121. Longhi/Norferin PC
122. Fatey PC
123. Juve/Norferin PC
124. B.A.B.P. PC
125. Zorek/PSB AmIgA
126. Vandal/Red Bullz AmIgA
127. black light AmIgAPPC
128. BOlek AmIgA
129. Scythe AmIgA
130. Morino/Thefect AmIgA
131. Samael AmIgA
132. Special AmIgA
133. kessel AmIgA
134. Wild AmIgA
135. Lesho AmIgA
137. SIVY PC
139. BANE AmIgA
143. MAX/EXP. AmIgA/PC
144. Dr Szach/DXP AmIgA
145. was
146. Ko$mi/DXP AmIgA
147. Binar/Phase Truce AmIgA
148. Caro/Nah+Pht! AmIgA
149. MDW/TNG AmIgA
150. krs/???? AmIgA
151. kazik/anadune PC/AmIgA
152. Zsacul/Norferin PC
153. dr Frankenstein/Norferin PC
154. iNIKEp/sUSPENd PC
155. keyG/pulse PC
156. Walek/Mystic AmIgA
157. luk/phase truce! AmIgA
158. Raiden/substance PC
159. skrapi/sector5 AmIgA
160. Moonlghter/S!C PC
161. Mnietek AmIgA
162. scorpik PC
163. LoPeZ/sECTOr5 AmIgA
164. gari0n/st5 miga
165. Iceman/Sector 5 miga
166. Icetray/ind. miga
167. Motzel/Cryogen PC
168. Hangman/Ind AmIgA
169. Ablde/Jilt PC
170. Sfires/Ind PC
171. Angel/Jilt PC
172. Melon/Freezers+Nah-Kolor AmIgA
173. Muzz/spawn+enenzi PC
174. Gaco/spawn PC
175. foxbat/korozone PC
176. Grogon/Cds+PICCO AmIgA
177. zABOra!/tNg+twl+pt AmIgA+linux
178. Maq/Genetic AmIgA
179. Sauron/Mahdi AmIgA
180. Rabi/Case+Taski+drinkers AmIgA
181. Sobol/Independent -
182. cro/grinders PC
183. hshanek/ind PC
184. lexus/enz.jlt PC
185. Kro/Phase Truce AmIgA
186. vIG/sPAWN PC
187. codeseg/demencja PC
188. BlackHack PC
189. Trust/Sailers AmIgA
190. Furust PC
191. kEMPY AmIgA
192. asl c=64+ AmIgA
193. Ameba PC
194. Norman / Anadune AmIgA+ PC
195. Toxik Tom / NNG AmIgA
196. pzyhall/do!+NNG+MAWI AmIgA
197. McR/Mawi AmIgA
198. StarLight/Mawi AmIgA
199. Belos/Mawi AmIgA
200. Acid/Mawi+Nah-Kolor AmIgA
201. Insect/Arise+Demention PC
202. BuLL/Ind. PC
203. ralph/ArIsE PC
204. br0war/arise c=64
205. wAcek/aRise/fUse c=64 PC
206. bImber/aRise c=64 PC
207. tygryzek PC
208. JaR PC
209. demon/cf PC
210. Glov PC
211. MaSka PC
212. Skip/Qualm AmIgA
213. Shot/Qualm AmIgA
214. Sator/Victims AmIgA
215. Kolarz/Luzik Dizajn PC
216. Egon/Victims PC
217. Blade/Ind. PC
218. Bonzaj/Plastic AmIgA
219. Arkadiusz/Plastic AmIgA
220. micro AmIgA
221. Ragabash/Qualm PC
222. GigaNT PC
223. Mokry AmIgA
224. Chaos/Exodus PC
225. kaczi/ind. AmIgA
226. Deixas/Embora AmIgA
227. BFA / Suspect AmIgA!
228. Contriver / Suspect AmIgA
229. Player / Suspect AmIgA !!!
230. Alice /Suspect AmIgA!
231. TLC/SDR! PC/AmIgA
232. Ethereal/ind. PC
233. Zdzis PC/Linux
234. Kazik PC/Linux
235. T0mpr PC/Linux
236. Luke/nipson/arise c=64
237. Rodney/Arise c=64
238. DziKooS/Thefect AmIgA
239. madd/cruel AmIgA
240. Gluten/Cruel AmIgA
241. mustafa/cruel+floppy AmIgA
242. pinguin/cruel AmIgA
243. Borys AmIgA
244. Lala AmIgA
245. Zomo AmIgA
246. Wozny AmIgA
247. Manager AmIgA
248. Topor PC&AmIgA
249. D-Core AmIgA
250. Kenji/dragon PC
251. Jutu/Massive AmIgA/PC
252. GrABBA/Fatum c64/AmIgA
253. bartol/enenzi PC
254. Gucio/ind AmIgA
255. Solniczek/Robert AmIgA
256. flyski/303 PC
257. Sedin/303 PC/AmIgA
258. Tuner/303 AmIgA/PC
259. pnx/void+grdu AmIgA
260. jirey/grdu AmIgA
261. zyga/alliance c=64
262. bjsebo/venus art AmIgA
263. noe/venus art AmIgA
264. MiNuS PC
265. MBL/Task AmIgA
266. Hogan\Scum*KK AmIgA
267. Socky AmIgA
268. Doctor_Q/Da Rave Brada PC
269. Kafel/Cruel AmIgA
270. JABBAR/Logrus PC
271. Sylwia AmIgA
272. alhira/bolsman PC
273. qlman iPC.bolsman PC
274. remi AmIgA
275. mira/jocker AmIgA
276. cerber/apx AmIgA
277. kostek/royal AmIgA+ PC
278. PoPCorn/nah+picco+absurd AmIgA
279. Budgie/absurd+instinct AmIgA
280. Dresser AmIgA
281. Kobat/ind. PC
282. max/stl/oxg c64+AmIgA
283. pekin AmIgA
284. guliwer PC
285. Rocko/IND AmIgA
286. tomassan AmIgA
287. PiTeR AmIgA
288. Agusia AmIgA
289. Neflythe AmIgA
290. Peewee AmIgA
291. Kaflock AmIgA
292. bLACK /IND AmIgA
293. Br0waR/pIrAcY AmIgA
294. SyLWeK/APX AmIgA
295. At0m/Suspect AmIgA
296. Norm AmIgA
297. Ivanhoe/Reality AmIgA
298. varius/independent AmIgA
299. kk/taski+sector 5 AmIgA
300. muffin/taski AmIgA
301. paplo/taski AmIgA
302. marty/taski AmIgA
303. Martin/Independent AmIgA
305. Mare/Sailers AmIgA
[ 205 of them vote ]
designed and typed by
-[azzaro/mawi+anadune]- and -[cure/spawn]-
astrosyn`97 stuff co-ordiantors
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.:.........::: : [÷] ·S· ·P· ·A· ·W· ·N· [÷]
· :...:..............................
: offcial results and party guests list :
: from astrosyn`97 held in koszalin, :
: poland on december 13-14th. check it out! :