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Exe 1995 results

   Az EXE party-ra k‚szlt demok,introk,zen‚k,grafik k,stb felhaszn l sa a m– 
        k‚sz¡t“j‚nek beleeggyez‚se n‚lkl szigor£an tilos ‚s bntetend“ !

                                EXE'95 party
                         16.12.95. Budapest/Hungary

        Demo compo:
                1.      239 pont 2. Too complex by Shock!
                2.      166 pont 3. Mindphaser by Enlightenment
                3.      118 pont 1. Frame18

        64K intro compo:
                1.      159 pont 4. Astro by AstroideA
                2.      87 pont 3. Sketch by Syndicate
                3.      29 pont 2. Hysterics by Exhumers

        4K intro compo:
                1.      21 pont 2. Kick by Urinate!
                2.      19 pont 6. Rhapsody by Morgan/Criminal Gang
                3.      16 pont 7. Mask by Exhumers

        4 channel musax compo:
                1.      128 pont 2. Nunnihar by Nat&Pat/Frame18
                2.      125 pont 5. Just by Mad Team
                3.      96 pont 1. Worksong by Ern0

        Multichannel musax compo:
                1.      129 pont 3. Angel by Illegal/Remal
                2.      88 pont 10. Beneath a chrome sky by Deansdale/Shock!
                3.      78 pont 4. Birds over the sea by Rival/NSS

        Graphics compo:
                1.      107 pont 2. Das/Shock!
                2.      67 pont 4. Kal/AstroideA
                3.      54 pont 6. Ward/Enlightenment

        Trace compo:
                1.      46 pont 7. Kal/AstroideA
                2.      15 pont 3. Udvarhelyi Zsolt
                2.      15 pont 5. Rascy/Mad Team
                3.      14 pont 2. Kom romi Zolt n

        Lamer compo:
                1.      91 pont 2. Technodrum / Criminal Gang
                2.      73 pont 1. Vakond / Gitane
                3.      37 pont 7. Fuck

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