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ReWired 2009 results

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                    June 26 - 28, 2009   /  Maaseik, Belgium

            Music Compo
  - --  -- -------------------------------------------------------- --- -  -
            01    81 Replaceable Vocals Bitch - benjam^Salva Mea
            02    78 Dim Sum - m0d
            03    74 If I Could Melt Your Heart ? - red^mercury/titan
            04    61 Paris at night (Quick 'n dirty edit).mp3 - Guy Sybian

                                                          Demo Compo
 -  - ---- --------------------------------------------------------- -  -- -
            01    77 Odds And Ends - Fulcrum
            02    61 Dookenschduf - 2b, benjam, d.fox
            03    45 Farewell Transmission - headcrash
            04    39 art - titans on meth

                           w w w . r e w i r e d . b e
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