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/( - ---BREAKPOiNT 2oo9--- - )\:
| Competition....Unofficial ASCII/ANSI |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 109 Breakpoint - dipswitch
02 97 Ansilove - Ansichrist
03 95 Breakpoint '09 - ne7
04 87 Jack the Tripper - DMG
05 77 Breakpoint 2009 Unicorn - H7
06 74 Krapula - Abho
07 66 Colly - zefyros/fixture^TSiD
08 59 Breakpoint - Zaner/Divine stylers
09 57 Breakpoint 2009 - H7
10 57 Controlpoint 2009 - Diamondie
11 56 NS - 16 colors
12 56 Eye - Laeila
13 46 Breakpoint '09 - nicomen^tufs
| Competition.Unofficial Tracked Music |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
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01 143 pimp my wheelchair - fegolhuzz
02 124 Infinite Tunnel - Saga Musix^Gravity
03 123 Dancing Mellow - Psyria
04 122 Cerebral Malfunction - Skyrunner
05 112 absolute relativity - eha
06 107 Blast It All - Curt Cool / Depth
07 104 szenenwechsel - keith303
08 102 Yourney of a mouse - Retrobot0r
09 93 Greeks fair let's song - Ford Prefect
10 84 Granny dinner - Gouafhg
11 77 any questions? - bacter^apx
12 68 Der Traum - Xenon/Xenon Soft. S.I.
| Competition..........Animation/Video |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 799 www.speichergurke.de - Gemⁿse der Zukunft
02 616 Julie - Cosmic / Nuance
04 297 Machine #11 - Captain EMU
05 279 HOWTO: Convert Pingpong to Demo - cyraxx
06 214 Hold me for ever - Madeleine de bruin /
Maaike Jansen
07 172 spurjagd - U-Boote
08 119 Pants off - Danish Underpants Brigade
09 37 H├╝tte im All - walla
| Competition........Console/Real Wild |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 776 Turbulence - lft
02 725 Excelence - BraadworstenBrigade
03 690 Le cube - Calodox Drifters Trsi
04 491 defc0n 0 - Scarab
05 437 Syntax Infinity - Traktor & Tulou
06 402 Weiche Pommes - K2
07 340 Disco Return 4 - MarszczMelon
08 310 Attack of the RGB Partycoding - red scarves
09 280 HiRes Hunt - Paradise
10 267 Waypoint X - moods plateau
11 266 The Strongest Demo - St. Vincent and the
12 215 SEGA Point - Oerg866
13 136 Buried Even Deeper (Tha World's First HX-20
MegaDemo?!) - bEnd oF crUsH (a.k.a. The
14 124 DeeSmo - Oerg866 & Xiny6581
15 89 Classic Gaming Convention Invitation -
| Competition.................96k Game |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 655 spidr - exoticorn and giZMo
02 621 Fortress of Narzod - Peiselulli
03 514 Cavern KlΣmrisk ! - Brain Control
04 412 IOI - Nala
05 228 Escape of the Rundsporthalle - Kryo
06 143 A - Bounce - Ctrl-Alt-Test
| Competition...Executable 4k Graphics |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 352 Sollbruchstelle - Laeila
02 317 CMath11gfx:wired - TGGC
03 216 brix - quite
04 197 woman - void
| Competition....................Photo |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 368 vecona's girls - fashion^vacuum/farbrausch
02 334 Demo dress: Tribute to the demoscene -
03 332 Schmutz in the Schwimmbad - noy / never
04 330 Tormented Waters - Deltafire
05 315 I Want My Blip Blop Music - FRaNKy
06 298 Progressive Past - Christoph680
07 287 bridge to destiny - Chaser / Elude
08 251 Fallen vampire - Spotter^TRSI
09 244 gift - katharina
10 224 metro lamp - dipswitch / blackmaiden
11 222 Licht am Ende des Tunnels - Mme Groteske
12 221 L'Empire de la Mort - KeyJ / Kakiarts
13 220 EscapingFromTheRegime - borg
14 208 b&w - cQBs
15 205 wainting for the marlin - DaNDeE
16 201 Waiting for the rain - Hopper/SquoQuo
17 192 Lunchtime! - Dranix
18 191 actual party size - chimera
19 188 orchid - void^hicknhack
20 180 Hiko - Flunkium
21 173 Needful Things - docd/TRSi
22 155 Nugget Point Lighthouse - Pladdin
23 153 Secret Squirrel in Action - Maxie
24 150 Just...looking - Raven/Nuance
25 126 Frozen Tree - Kokkie^EOP
26 126 Blumen statt Fleisch - BITBREAKER
27 114 Million Dollar Votze - Delax
28 106 old days - tinkar
29 103 Zur Kasse, SchΣtzchen - styx/headcrash
30 93 Happy Dragon....is happy - SilverLance
31 71 winterference - raffel / loonies
32 69 got you controlled! - spiked-maniac
33 53 Camping - nosfe & pommak
34 50 G20 bungle darf - forest creature^scullar
| Competition........Handmade Graphics |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 484 Spring time is Breakpoint time, ahoy! -
farfar / loonies
02 419 Death of Wat Tyler - Unreal & Teo
03 392 Amiga room in 1989 - JACK-3D
04 311 The sleeping gods - Spotter^TRSI
05 239 Ugu hat seinen Fuß vergessen - prince / the
Obsessed Maniacs / dienstagstreff / neoplasia
06 222 Bond Villain - DFeKT
07 218 falling - X!LF
08 179 Obama - Noogman^Scoopex
10 149 the three musketeers - mxbyte
11 147 untitled - ps
12 65 Strike! - neglesaks
13 60 rabbit - tinkar
| Competition.......Freestyle Graphics |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 623 The Pilot - Trenox / JUNK
02 396 On the run - Oni
03 394 dieChefrocker: Everything is under control -
prince / the Obsessed Maniacs /...
04 391 Space Madness - Forge
05 366 Transcience - Atomhead
06 365 The Gift - Morci & S7ing
07 179 Love thy volumeshading - HEiNRiCH
08 119 Stranger - Richard Burgess
09 101 nachtflug - DaNDeE
10 86 Have a cigar! - Neo/Retrograde
11 71 Mice getting some pussy - Mr.Fart / SBD
12 63 spyCam - RatzeP
| Competition.............C64 Graphics |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 568 Earlier that day - Ragnarok
02 524 Oldschoolstory - Carrion / Crest
03 411 XRAY - Veto
04 393 Last ship to whenever - DARKLIGHT'VEEZYA and
05 380 Voltage - Raven/Nuance
06 371 sashii - nada
07 186 Stasi - Apfelmus^Seminar
08 97 Yinyan - Hroudtwolf
| Competition....Exe Music (newschool) |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 298 jools - reed / fairlight
02 221 Distant Sweet Horizon - Gargaj / Conspiracy
03 219 Spherical - Wayfinder
04 218 I want to be like Chris! - Skyrunner
05 190 Thank BPOrga its BPDay - tEiS
06 164 No 8Bit Samples - quickyman
07 163 Wonders from a Hat - AceMan
08 149 trance my pants - gopher / alcatraz
09 144 Deep Inside My Eardrums - raYn / BluFlame
10 140 meInPlanlosLand - map
11 136 1810 byte - Response & Zaronix/Darklite
12 135 La Femme Immortelle - BeRo & freQvibez
13 131 The Glassbottle Incident - Payne / Brain
14 128 Grisbj°rn - Loaderror
15 120 Nebulous Fiction - m0d
16 102 Pelagic Zone (Euphotic Depth Edit) - Melwyn &
Little Bitchard
17 102 Looney Spice - Garfferen
| Competition....Exe Music (oldschool) |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 183 Piggy Poo - Factor6 / AY Riders^ArtWaY
02 174 Excubitorium (Breakpoint rough'n'dirty cut) -
DJ Joge / Brainstorm
03 166 Over Control - AceMan
04 136 Rastafari vs. The Biker - pinza / dekadence64
+ sp÷ntz
05 135 coptic script - ne7/triad
06 127 superstation - stainlesssteel
07 126 Slaepwerigne - lft
08 124 Pausemusic - response/darklite
09 112 Jubilant Oldskool - Curt Cool / Depth
10 104 Spacemographen-MD - Xiny6581 & Oerg866
11 84 Half-blood_chickenhead+boing - V0yager
| Competition..........Streaming Music |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 241 The Song That Was Played Live Yesterday
Evening - Romeo Knight / Brainstorm
02 146 Start a War - glxblt
03 142 The Dreaming Void - Wayfinder
05 139 stuck in the beehive - keith303
06 120 Captain Cosmos - teo/exceed^kangooroo
07 112 Hermine - Xander Pills & The Illusion
08 107 this is my happy face - shroomi
09 92 Einfach immer weitergehen - Gedankenrasen
10 90 woapop - flunkium
11 86 Nicht leideN - SΣsH
12 85 dark light - eha
13 82 1990 - Covent^N÷NE
14 73 Teh Fag Vendetta 2009 - ptrance / BluFlame
15 70 You're My Extasy - Shaman/Exceed feat.
16 61 Conform Three - Atomhead
| Competition.................C64 Demo |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 484 Das Gottler - Extend
02 367 Salute - Resource + The Dreams
03 255 Mellow Meadow - Map/Plush
04 226 Surveillance 1964 - Kabuto & Medo
05 168 Breakpoint Partyscroller - Abyss-Connection &
06 73 Bunkerparty 09 pre Invitation -
| Competition...........Amiga 4k Intro |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 730 Luminagia - Loonies
02 338 4TFT - RNO
03 228 Jefferson Nearplane - Team Loaderror
| Competition..........Amiga 64k Intro |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 502 Superkewl - Supergroup
02 395 wasted years - moods plateau
03 356 Walking in Circles - Ada
04 298 Umbilicus Mundi - Ham/Software Failure
05 262 Brainstate in a Beck's - Focus Design
| Competition...............Amiga Demo |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 891 Jesus Christ Motocross - Traktor & Nature
02 797 Lightshaft - Elude
03 422 cathode - unique
04 401 Knitfellas - Focus Design
05 379 Supergroove 2 - Supergroup
06 326 Jaegertime - Dekadence
07 244 Blitter Sweet - Scoopex
08 221 BRS 20 YR - Brainstorm and Zenon
09 31 Mother mother, there are clowns in my bed! -
| Competition..............PC 4k Intro |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 1137 elevated - RGBA & TBC
02 916 untraceable (1024 bytes) - TBC
03 827 Sult - Loonies
04 548 Valleyball - Blu-Flame
05 534 Ascension - mad^still
06 462 arc - kaneel, pandur
07 448 Aracide - Nuance
08 252 CMath 11:a mindful beauty - TGGC
09 238 pommes fritzl - Darklite
10 190 test4Klez - shrOOm
11 189 Glitch Bitch - Ananasmurska
12 186 Breakpoint 09 Intro - Codigos
13 152 FTP - Optimus
14 149 Raving Tomatoes - Supershape ME - T$
15 95 YARTRT - brk
| Competition.............PC 64k Intro |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 580 060659 - Rebels
02 477 Enigma Sequence - Approximate
03 269 squaredance - loonies
04 267 Diatom - andr00
05 215 Chelewa - Australian Drug Foundation
06 195 atmta - quite
07 194 D4nce - Hikey^Ministry of 4KB Intros
08 119 Black hole - Hroudtwolf
| Competition..................PC Demo |
| _ ________________________________ _ |
: :
01 639 Crush - Anadune + Floppy
02 453 Roadside Picnic - Brainstorm
03 443 PC-03: "ON/OFF" - GRX / Panda Cube
04 434 Birostris - Matt Current
05 411 fr-065: Euphotic - Farbrausch
06 400 Sonoluminescence - Loopit
07 382 LMSRMX - TOM
08 369 ZINE 14 Headlines - Conspiracy & Brainstorm
09 326 outside - ill
10 308 Delusional Beliefs - Darklite
11 282 Conscious of blue - System K
12 250 Carbon Dioxide - hedelmae
13 217 freedom from state - hullabaloo
14 200 Ballad of a cluster bomb - Kooma
15 198 Dry Shmocks - SquoQuo
16 192 Rewired'09 invitation - Rewired orgas
17 187 Stop Rokkasho - el-b & Sqny Pictures
18 171 Outline Invitation - Guideline
20 137 cognoscere - mfx
21 133 Quantum Retrofuture - Optimus
22 126 Parbo - Magneto & avs
23 117 SP04 - KΣseanstich beym Schweyn - Spacepigs
24 97 A Glorious Message - RBBS
25 65 Rock it like it's Abu-Graib - Schaedel