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▓▓▓██████████████████████████████████████████████████████▄▄▄▀▄ ██
░░█▀ ▄███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██
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█▌▓██▄█▀ ▀███████ ██▄▄██████████████ ██▀███████▐█▌ ██████████▓ █▓██ Darkman
█▌██████▄███████▓ ▀ █████████████████░█ ████████▐██ ▓██████████ █░██ <Circe>
█▌███████████▄█▀░ █████████▀▀▀▀█████▓▀██████████▓█▌░████████▓▓ ██ &
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░████▄▄█████ ▀▀██████████████░██████████████████████▀██▀ ▓ ██
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▀▀▀▀ ▓▓
-- The Flash Party 1999, Official Results :
November 5, 6 & 7, 1999; Buenos Aires, argentina
(opened entrys to all americans)
sitio web: www.theflashparty.com.ar
email: theflash@softhome.net
*** Demo Compo:
1st - 'monamixxx' delabualama mexico
2nd - 'super-me' irondude mexico
3th - 'geekodelic' manlibah argentina
4th - 'luxes' esb argentina
*** 128k intro Compo:
1st - 'burn' reduz/codelarvs argentina
2nd - '3d' newiceman argentina
*** 4k intro Compo:
1st - 'ray' beyond eeuu
2nd - 'yart' delabualama mexico
3th - 'coil' resonance brasil
4th - 'tf99' x-tream argentina
*** Tracked Music (Musica trackeada):
1st - 'church' spektor/synthesis argentina
2nd - 'peace in the forest' uctumi/indep argentina
3th - 'technotron' shockWaver/elixir DMG argentina
4th - 'amelia' reduz/codelarvs argentina
5th - 'unknown' wordmacro brazil
6th - 'saint jarna' impure rose /elixir DMG argentina
7th - 'other side' (G)eorge/indep. argentina
8th - 'new age relax' joe 304/microset argentina
9th - 'not like you' bandido/Mindprobe argentina
10th- 'de la rua presidente' coda/green house seed co. argentina
*** Wild Music Compo (Música en formato MP3):
1st - 'Romanic' reduz/codelarvs argentina
2nd - 'I Have Seen A UFO (So High)' panoramix/mindprobe argentina
3th - 'Behind The Sound' rave-n/indep argentina
4th - 'J.K. Murder' uctumi/indep argentina
5th - 'Dream The Dreamer' madbit/mindprobe argentina
6th - 'Psychodelica' spektor/synthesis argentina
7th - 'Never Forget.Mp3' tetsuoman/FPU argentina
8th - 'Una Pila De Vida' ponchan/z80 argentina
*** Hi-res/Photoart:
1st - 'entre' alejandra viacava/indep argentina
2nd - 'p.j.p' toro/indep argentina
3th - 'metafora' leicia gotlibowski/indep argentina
19th- 'auto' unknown argentina
*** Pixel 8bit:
1st - 'unity' Snake Grunger/beyond canada
2nd - 'cazador' jorge andreoli argentina
3th - 'xenocyber' konami canada
4th - 'unfinished chik' arlequin/pvm/circe argentina
5th - 'concierto bizarro' reduz/codelarvs argentina
*** Pixel 16bit/Handrawn photoshop:
1st - 'charly' akhzel/jsd argentina
2nd - 'soulseeker' rax argentina
3th - 'rick' fugitivo/circe argentina
4th - 'space' fear/circe argentina
*** Gfx 3d:
1st - 'the flash island' shadow/digitalminds argentina
2nd - 'dolly's high' biomemo/circe argentina
3th - 'otro lado' leicia gotlibowski argentina
4th - 'teaching' bloody rose argentina
5th - 'tripis' unabomber argentina
6th - 'larvoclub' reduz argentina
*** Wildemos:
1st - 'divina' john sharp/most trance argentina
*** Ansi:
1st - 'gogeta' the wolfman-darkman-arlequin /circe
2nd - 'pelitoz' the wolfman-darkman /circe
3th - 'goa vibes' arlequin /circe
4th - 'anunciador' the wolfman - circe
5th - 'arpegio' squareloop/patr1chs air
6th - 'theflashparty' excess/ambush
*** Ascii (oldschool):
1st - 'the white house' acidbrain/circe
2nd - 'the flash party' mephisto & marciano/indep.
3th - 'ultimate' arlequin/circe
4th - 'founded and destroyed' wolf man/indep.
*** Web: (ONLY SHOWED)(solo muestra, no hubo competencia)
xxx - 'the flash party web' no soul
xxx - 'mostrance web' john sharp/mostrance
*** Bands/Djs that played at the flash 1999:
- dj pucheet (prog. trance)
- Z-80 Live Set (Techno-pop)
- Mindprobe Live Set (Psychedelic trance) (www.mindprobe.com.ar)
- The Flash Party Staff.