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Syntax 2016 results

----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2016=======-------------------------

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----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2016=======-------------------------
                     DEMOPARTY : MELBOURNE 12-13 November 2016


 01  - Syntax DreamHouse - cTrix/Disaster Area                       77 points
 02  - SynSax Error - Sidman/Hokuto Force                            73 points
 03  - EscNaps - AD-n-PumP                                           62 points
 04  - I will comply for 20 seconds - Uctumi/Hokuto Force            58 points
 05  - murda sound - Wacek/Arise                                     56 points
 06  - Livin' on the edge - Gaetano Chiummo/Hokuto Force             55 points
 07  - Rain or Shine (Preview) - Dya/Hokuto Force                    52 points
 08  - starboii - false meme                                         51 points
 09  - DORNHA - Rail Slave/Hokuto Force                              41 points
 10  - elovena - Deizi                                               37 points



01 - Hottest New Computers - Tom Foolery and the Family Jewellery   100 points
02 - Jazz...? - they/them                                            86 points
03 - Eposisses - cTrix/Disaster Area                                 80 points
04 - Amigabach - Aday                                                63 points



01 - Dithered (NES) - cTrix/Disaster Area                            85 points
02 - Glow Worm (C64) - iLKke/Funkentstort                            79 points
03 - Taste the Logic - Tom Foolery and the Family Jewellery          77 points
04 - Patch'a'palooza - CatchinAshes                                  67 points
05 - Hindugong (beta) (C64) - Ray Manta/Onslaught                    65 points
06 - Bridge to the Kebab - False Memes                               64 points



01 - Vandalism 66 Caricature - Witty/Onslaught                       67 points
01 - Eating Cake and Waterfalls - JJ                                 67 points
03 - unicycle maniac - dat boi                                       52 points
04 - Xev/Aday vs the Fluromatrix  - Antialias/Miss Pigeon            51 points
05 - SPACETAX - Jimage                                               48 points
06 - partymeister is working perfectly - gaia & ript/Disaster Area   42 points
07 - Syntaxbynight - AD-N-PumP                                       41 points



01 - Breakfast of Champions -  iLKke/Funkentstort                    80 points
02 - America - Electric/Extend                                       69 points
03 - Song of the Sea - Exin                                          63 points
03 - Coral Reef - Shine/Onslaught                                    63 points
05 - Cactus Joe - Vent/Triad                                         58 points
06 - Cirrus Circuit - Ray Manta/Onslaught                            55 points
07 - Winter has arrived - Burre/TAONGAD                              53 points
08 - Model - dman^placebo^blocktronics                               45 points
09 - LoFi Devil From The Nearest Planet - Creonix                    32 points



01 - Giantesses - Animal Bro/Funkentstort                            83 points
02 - Life Energy - Carrion/SHAPE                                     69 points
03 - Rachel - jojo073/AmigaWave                                      66 points
04 - Lawless of the West - Dr. TerrorZ                               65 points
05 - Strzxgv Nuv Wvfld - Deev/Onslaught                              64 points
06 - Arriving Somewhere But Not Here - Duce/Extend                   62 points
07 - Replicant - jojo073/AmigaWave                                   61 points
08 - Absinthium (Party Version) - Jok/Dreamweb                       60 points
09 - Comfort Zone - Grip/Onslaught                                   59 points
10 - 58 hotline bling - Eliza                                        58 points
11 - 55 Dreamlab - cTrix/Disaster Area                               55 points
12 - 53 Music Love - Almighty God/Onslaught                          53 points
12 - 53 Flash All The Way - Almighty God/Onslaught                   53 points
12 - 53 Venus mind trap - Rail Slave/Hokuto Force                    53 points
15 - 51 Worlds greatest picture - Synturks Allstarz                  51 points
16 - 50 The Sea Mob Meeting - Alias Medron/Hokuto Force              50 points



01 - Vandalism News #66 - Onslaught & Offence                        97 points
02 - VisiCalc Landscapes - neutralgrey                               82 points
03 - Modular Sounds 3 - Artstate                                     78 points   
04 - Improvised Performance - B                                      77 points
05 - VGAiiiiee - visualsynth                                         76 points
06 - Raytracing and how to not bad - squeakyneb/Onslaught            73 points
06 - Beautiful BirB - Miss Pigeon                                    73 points
08 - SID Profiler II - cTrix/Disaster Area                           67 points



01 - Flow State - Onslaught                                         110 points
02 - fuhai - DESiRE                                                 100 points



01 - 54321 - Disaster Area                                          109 points
02 - Global Domination (Party Version) - Onslaught                   95 points
03 - Random Stock-Photo Office-Worker Zoomer - Ray Manta/Onslaught   76 points
04 - PEROXIDE - Beige                                                68 points
05 - bzzz - Nah-Kolor                                                63 points


                                 ^ascii by ozzy^

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