88P····d8 ____ 888P····d888P· ____ ····d888P _____ ____ 8P····d888P···
8P···· __| |___________ ___| |_________ / | / /__ ···d888P····
P····d | | \/ | / / /_ |/ / |_ d888P····d
····d8 |__ | . . / | / ____/_ _| / | 788P····d8
···d88 | ' | | \ ' \ / / /____ _| 88P····d88
··d888P·· |________|___|____\________\_______/ /___________|____| dP····d888
·d888P··· d8P····d888P
/ /
/ R E S U L T S /
Brainstorm - LickWeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ .88] 92.14
npli - Disambiguation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . 88 ] 50.71
BITS - BITS5016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [.8 ... ] 20.14
KURWAAMIGASCHEISSERS - Burn Down Minsk. . . . . . . . . [8o ] 4.29
/ /
/ C O M M E N T S /
______ __________________________________
/_____/ KURWAAMIGASCHEISSERS - Down Minsk /_________________________________/
-Fails as a noise prod, feels too lazy. More work, louder noise and a more
developped message could have made this prod not suck.
-Needed a DLL. Noise and FY message dont really appeal. Kind of demo I'm
happy to run in a sandboxed virtual machine.
-Missing MSVCR100.dll, had to track that down prior to running. Eh."FU too"
-You too.
-Demo would not run correctly in Windows 7 64-bit ("The application was
unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)."). Do not have 32-bit Windows to
test with. Based on the included KASNOISE.MP3 and .NFO file, something
tells me this wasn't a great loss.
______ ____________________________________________________
/_____/ BITS - BITS5016 /___________________________________________________/
-Pros: Written 100% in assembler. Emulation of bitplanes in a chunky medium.
Cons: Music lacks musicality (randomly generated?). Demo never ends.
Simple effects that use less than 1% of any modern CPU.
Misc: h.samso continues to elude categorization (troll? mental?).
That is not a complement.
-I wonder, considering the effort going into these things, why isn't bits
actually learning anything?
-classic BITS style ;-) classic effects but nothing catchy.
-I felt this production had some heart (literately), and I have to give it
props for it's political statement. Beyond that, it just doesn't have enough
to inspire.
-A few bonus points for effort.
-Thanks for persistence.
-Nice effort. Good colors. some actual music and more sync would have been
welcome. And next time try to make it a one-piece, non-looping thing :)
______ ______________________________________________
/_____/ npli - Disambiguation /_____________________________________________/
-Pros: Pauses and waits for user to adjust font! Good font rendering.
Cons: Relies on TextFX. WAY too short.
Misc: Wish they had more time to finish it.
-Good old block graphics =)
-Music hinted to something epic but fell short, however, nice mellow mix
of classic elements. Thumbs up.
-Very smooth transitions from effects. Almost felt like it was saying a
story... and then ended abruptly... awww :(. Wish it lasted much longer.
-Not bad.
-Nicely done.
-Too slow to end so soon. Felt empty. Good effects none the less. Next time,
work more on the pacing and colors.
______ ______________________________________________
/_____/ Brainstorm - LickWeed /_____________________________________________/
-Pros: Limited character set a welcome departure. Good music. Raytracing!
Demo is adjustable (speed vs. rendering quality).
Cons: Color/lighting choices in the latter scenes neither favored textmode
nor showed up well on it. Object show.
-Nice RT, sync and color choices. Fresh & enjoyable. Tech & design lead!!
-Outstanding musical track, put forth with some nice ray-tracing. Didn't
entirely make "text mode beautiful", but gosh... a real nice prod.
Tops of 2011. Thank you.
-Nice and solid performance, a modern take of a demo put in textmode.
-Best of the bunch.
-Kicks butts. Awesome rendering, with deep and shiny colors. The fat sharpen
filter works really well here.
__________________________________________________________________ ____
/_________________________________________________________________/ EoF /___/