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Geek Camp 2002

added on the 2002-09-12 15:22:51 by mizc mizc
compo type prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
combined demo/intro 3rd 64b MS-Dos Wellen64b by T$ [web] 15 3 0 0.83
combined demo/intro 5th 4k Linux tetris 0x09ad by Headcrash [web] 1 0 1 0.00
combined demo/intro 1st 64k Windows blusher by bypass [web] & Black Maiden [web] 79 34 1 0.68
combined demo/intro 4th demo Windows tame the one-eyed monster by TAP [web] 6 11 1 0.28
combined demo/intro 2nd demo Windows ADF by SquoQuo [web] 7 7 6 0.05
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