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Inspire 2008

added on the 2008-05-10 23:42:56 by stage7 stage7
combined demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st invitation MacOSX PPC escena org invtro v2 by xplsv [web] 8 8 1 0.41
combined 64ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 64k invitation Windows MacOSX Intel Scitwo - SceneCON 2008 Invitation by Rebels 96 12 4 0.82
2nd 64k Amiga AGA Cronoscopium by Software Failure [web] 12 9 0 0.57
combined 4ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k Windows kindercrasher by Rgba [web] 147 19 2 0.86
2nd 4k Linux experiment in randomness by Gatitos 15 4 0 0.79
3rd 4k Windows intromission: sound expansion adtro by Genshiken 28 7 1 0.75

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