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DiHalt Lite 2017

added on the 2014-01-06 13:51:24 by lvd lvd
8bit demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo BK-0010/11M e-Bun. ЭлектроБулка by Excess Team 29 2 0 0.94
2nd demo ZX Spectrum TbMA by sibCrew 12 2 0 0.86
3rd demo ZX Spectrum Super Mega Hit by Eye-Q & Fishbone Crew [web] 8 3 3 0.36
4th demo ZX Spectrum DHL2K17 by DiHalt Visitors 9 2 0 0.82
5th intro ZX Spectrum kkrktr17 by Techno Lab 8 1 0 0.89
6th demo ZX Spectrum Happy New Year 2017 by Placebo 4 2 0 0.67
7th demo ZX Spectrum Xmas 2016 by Noby [web] & TDM 8 3 0 0.73
8th demo ZX Spectrum Happy New Year by NOT-Soft [web] 0 3 1 -0.25
8bit 1ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 1k ZX Spectrum WHAM! The Rest in Peace Box 2 1 1 0.25
2nd 1k Wild Not a SongInLines by g0blinish 4 1 1 0.50
combined demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Windows Shake Up Scene 10 2 0 0.83
2nd demo Amiga AGA bdemo 2 2 1 0.20
fast demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 1k ZX Spectrum bumpa by Serzhsoft 8 3 2 0.46
2nd demo ZX Spectrum Rays by g0blinish 2 1 0 0.67
3rd fastdemo ZX Enhanced ashot by Buyan 0 0 0 0.00
4th intro ZX Spectrum Rottotor 3 0 5 -0.25
pc 256btype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 256b MS-Dos neon by Sensenstahl 33 1 0 0.97
2nd 256b MS-Dos Ant Walk by g0blinish 5 1 1 0.57
3rd 128b Apple II Hello,Di:Halt! by g0blinish 6 1 1 0.62
zx 256btype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 256b ZX Spectrum Happy New Yeah! by bfox 23 1 0 0.96
2nd 256b ZX Spectrum Intellivision Running Man by g0blinish 5 1 1 0.57
zx enhanced demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo ZX Enhanced Fast by g0blinish 11 1 1 0.77
2nd demo ZX Enhanced Wavering by Consciousness 3 2 2 0.14
demo ZX Enhanced Giftro17 by g0blinish 9 5 1 0.53
4th demo ZX Enhanced happy new 0x7e1! by b-state 5 2 0 0.71

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