the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-08-17
I'm suffering from demoparty jet lag...
- 2009-08-19
Sometimes a day just begins with ERROR! :D
- 2009-08-20
Das Leben ist keine Demoparty und Du bist auch nicht Mat/Ozone!
- 2010-03-10
I wonder why especially the guys doing the most horrible looking logos upload them twice or more?
Some of the logos really give me eye cancer...
- 2017-04-15
Any demosceners near Larnaca / Cyprus? I'm on vacation here with my girlfriend until next friday. Signed, Raven/Nuance
- 2022-02-10
The moment when you automatically reserve a hotel room in Saarbrooklyn for easter, even if you don't know if there will be a party. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- 2023-09-11
COMPARADE 2K+23 - Registration is open now:
- 2023-09-19
Register now for COMPARADE 2K+23: