the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2021-10-12
- Nemka nice link! Webgl fluids yum yum
- 2021-10-29
- Fully agree
- 2021-12-31
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2022-03-23
- down?
- 2022-04-17
- Convention breaking stuff?! Bad gif anims?
- 2022-08-08
- Meine Banane ist nie alle
- 2022-08-16
- Useless Player by FreddyV
- 2022-08-22
- But they taste so good
- 2022-10-05
- in demoscene science owns you
- 2022-10-27
- Denn der steht auf dem Altar!
- 2022-11-06
- Black backgrounds rule.
- 2022-12-14
- we are batman.
- 2022-12-15
- we have failed as a community
- 2023-04-04
- the amiga is still great on a technical level. not many platforms have preemptive multitasking OS + blitter + 4ch audio in 512k
- 2023-06-04
- what's it with the > 15 min nostalgia wanking c64 demos? yawn.
- 2023-08-31
- Future Crew sucks
- 2024-07-23
- Mett Schwoboda
- 2024-10-17
- The scene is shutting down