the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-06-17
- ɹnoʎ sn ʍoɥs
- 2011-10-05
- in cygwin, lots of /dev ices work although the "file" is not there, including /dev/dsp (and you can ls -la it)
- 2012-08-06
- @moqui "das N in RTL2 steht für Niveau" :-)
- 2012-08-27
- ţıḿê íś tò ûñïçøđə oń þe oňełiƞeŕ :)
- 2014-07-20
- pouët 2.0: ünicøde иow шőrks in the σneliήer
- 2020-07-02
- next mountain mama please
- 2021-06-12
- meow meow I'm a cow
- 2024-06-08
- [A-Z]+ONGA[.!?]
- 2024-11-10
- confusing prize with price is quite common for native speakers of certain languages