the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-01-14
- "random() makes the difference !"
- 2010-04-07
- MO5555555555555 !
- 2010-07-02
- waits for battery to leak in such instaload device... easy to shortcircuit
- 2014-06-30
- What about opening a thread about this CPC coding? Following you on the oneliner is hard
- I *knew* it was not possible to follow anything on the oneliner!
- 2014-09-15
- There is little memory bandwidth left in the CPC for DMA. Amstrad Plus manages to squeeze some during the horizontal blanking but you can't do more.
- OUT R1,32 ; OUT R4,16 and you get a spectrum-sized screen. Centering it is done with R2 and R7.
- uh, yes, that's R6 not R4. Sorry.
- 2014-09-16
- screen addressing is always the same. Line 1 is at C000, Line 2 at C800, line 3 at D000, etc. When you overflow FFFF, you go to line 9 which is at C000 + 2*R6, then C800 + 2*R6, etc.
- 2015-02-05
- Does use BITS-tags too? "20:30:22:03 CU red tinted shot of disembodied finger presses button labeled “Execute;” CU two rows of blinking yellow lights; flashing graph on computer screen. "
- 2016-07-11
- @gargaj: > seems to have an archive
- 2016-08-26
- m_files/ - Makes 256b and less executables possible under Linux
- 2016-09-27
- IIRC it is more like 80% random noise and a few useful genes in the middle
- 2016-12-30
- changing the logo is easy at least!
- 2017-04-10
- leGend: these people clearly didn't mess enough with AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS!
- 2017-07-11
- 2018-05-27
- And : "why Wikipedia needs a better peer review system" :D
- 2020-12-02
- Are you watching blue cubes?
- 2021-01-14
- grey screen with no music
- 2022-09-05
- So it's called Alice, it's French, and it doesn't even emulate the Matra Alice 32? This makes no sense :(