the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-05-01
- don't stop hip hop
- 2023-05-04
- @v3nom & @havoc: Just release some PETSCII crap and try again.
- @havoc: Seems unfair. CSDb mods can be incredible pricks sometimes.
- 2023-05-08
- 4 byte patch for speeding up burgers
- 2023-05-10
- still waiting for TITANICS-Cruncher to decrunch while loading
- 2023-06-03
- X party stream
- 2023-06-04
- @sim Since they had to postpone X'2020 multiple times because of Covid
- @arm1n I agree, except when they're really well done.
- 2023-10-16
- Who the hell is Edgar?
- 2023-10-30
- and #this_will_affect_the_demoscene
- 2024-01-08
- If you write E.T. backwards it's T.E.
- 2024-01-22
- link me beautiful
- 2024-02-17
- double oneliner comment 2024, never forget
- 2024-06-03
- @G-Fellow: Amazing - I was today years old when I realized that tune was from Lazy Jones
- 2024-06-25
- Assange free! \o/ Hopefully Snowden and Ross are next
- 2024-11-29
- Demos are forever
- 2024-12-06