the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-12-25
sad.. nothing beats a x-men latex costume!
- 2004-12-29
we wan't flames! we wan't flames!
- 2005-01-03
happy bday anyway!! :-)
- 2005-01-11
Too bad it's got the same specs as my iBook. With a G5 in it I would buy two! :-)
- 2005-01-20
cancer = cancer and sucks = sucks
- 2005-01-22
Why dont't you put all that creativity in making your c64 demo instead?
well then. Delete zdoom and wad builder, disconnect internet and take a huge gulp ouzo. Then you're ready for some coding! :-)
what? "the scene of whores"?
- 2005-01-24
jävla holländare.. skriv på engelska! ;-)
- 2005-01-25
yeah, in 2 days he or any of his imaginary friends will return. It's a mathematical fact. ;-)
- 2005-01-27
Preacher: That's the idea behind having a designer telling you what too code. :)
- 2005-01-29
There is a invention called broadband. It will help your internet speed. :)
- 2005-01-31
ok, who is ep anyway? Who of you sad bastards are having a lot of fun with a fake account? :)
- 2005-02-01
the real question is, why do I even care?? :-) nah, Let's code instead
All your alternative are belong to party
all I got is this lousy t-shirt.
like choking on a strap-on while your momma gives you bondage?
- 2005-02-03
only GF's or should all women die? ;)
happy birthday Zone!
- 2005-02-06
and probably something like a Träskodansen remix with German rap will win it.
- 2005-02-07
Okkie and Chock, congratulations! :-)
- 2005-02-09
- 2005-02-14
Don't you mean Mr.Muscle ( The cleaning product ) ;-)
- 2005-02-15
when will the awards be announced, I have a strong feeling I'm NOT nominated. ;)
- 2005-02-24
Congrats Willbe, I know how it feels! :-)