the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2022-03-28
- In Sweden they are brothers.
- 2022-03-31
- rgrep is more recursive than grep
- 2022-04-03
- Emod: I did not know that, though according to Wikipedia it's a requirement for recieving the title. I feel the connection with the Myanmar government kind of clouds this honor.
- 2022-04-04
- I'll happily educate any nation any time about the wrongs of ethnic cleansing for instance, this includes so called "buddhists".
- bsp: Interesting view of the world.
- 2022-04-05
- No function x=4
- Get yr game mids from Mirsoft! (no https or such nonsense)
- 2022-04-08
- Ghosts 'n Goblins (C64) Psychedelic Edition In b4 you're doing it wrong.
- 2022-04-11
- good möuning!
- 2022-04-12
- What about the saying that when you release a work of art you loose control over it? 🙂
- 2022-04-15
- This can't be, I must be dreaming.
- 2022-04-16
- Please close this threat.
- 2022-04-20
- This is a read only oneliner (ROO).
- 2022-04-22
- Is Austrian law relevant on the oneliner?
- 2022-04-25
- All Linux demos should be forced to use Motif.
- 2022-04-26
- How does measure up on the annoying scale?
- 2022-05-04
- Algorithms are not made by people. They are divine forces downloaded from the universe.
- 2022-05-10
- Fucking pleaseIiiiiiiiUypyoy me.
- 2022-05-14
- New release:
- 2022-05-16
- Now you don't.
- Drones For Peace Drone music and mountains, sounds like something ps could enjoy :)
- 2022-05-17
- It's just a meme from the oneliner. We use it to kill our heads.
- 2022-05-20
- When I was young we flipped bits on our floppies using pieces of Uranium-235.
- 2022-05-22
- This kick drum can only be heard by bats and their human enablers.
- 2022-05-24
- Speaking of interesting perception of reality, I present the Apple Trashcan: