the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2015-07-30
- \o/
- leGend, visy: Skip ANGLE/webGL and go software.
- noby? :p
- You rock! Thanks a ton
- 2015-07-31
- LeGend, Drift: THANKS! It was awesome to hear the go WAAAh! \:D/
- And thanks a lot @branch for the nice words about BLCK4777 in the 1k compo studio
- 2015-09-24
- Elend:
- 2015-12-02
- @wysiwtf: What would be the advantage ? Also there is no subdivision between DirectX and OpenGL or Software vs HWAccelerated
- that should be fairly obvious from the get go, looking at the screenshot or even at the nfo or comments
- wysiwtf: The tags are fine on Demozoo. Thanks!
- 2016-01-06
- auteche > discuss. md.
- 2016-01-08
- IMHO, the LIVE streaming of the making of the demo is independent and would qualify as a WILD on its own.
- 2016-02-11
- :U
- 2016-04-13
- Right click on the Canvas ;)
- 2016-05-15
- 12 points.
- 2016-07-29
- Have a nice week end.
- 2016-08-04
- sweating the small stuff :p
- 2016-08-05
- tick. tock.
- 2016-08-06
- 2016-08-12
- Con mole Pueblano.
- 2016-08-13
- @Tigrou you should totally make a demo/intro about it.
- 2016-08-18
- I wish. Read the info :p music by Goto80, code & design by 4mat, gfx 6 design by iLKke
- 2016-08-26
- The spectrograph kinda gives that and works for any audio: stream, track, ...
- I know. I said it "kinda" gives that. Was that Cubic Player that also showed the spectogram on DOS ?