the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2020-02-06
I got no friggin idea how to properly abstract all that shit. 2500 loc for a triangle with shaders, VBOs and UBOs. One command buffer per framebuffer wth? And it f*%$ locks up my computer and I got no idea why. Validation layer tell me squat. Even OpenGL sucked less.
- 2020-04-02
Why is it that Russian ZX Spectrum scene seems so agressive? Is there a special solvent in the ZX casings or is an outlet for frustration because of opression needed? I don't get it...
- 2020-04-13
"Soon done watching all Revision Online entries, shower..." REVISION SHOWER LIVESTREAM FTW!!! ;)
- 2020-05-04
- do-leak-in-history-full-source-code-design-files-for-wii-released-online.196683/ Wii bare metal demos in 3-2-1...
procyon: I read that afterwards :) The Wii looks like fun hardware.
- 2020-05-06
wow. that's awful. interesting, but awful
- 2020-05-21
Mother. There is no other, so treat her right...
- 2020-08-15
- 2020-12-17
SNES / FPGA ray tracing:
- 2020-12-23
:D I saw that! What the chicken...
powered by your rump movement only
- 2021-01-29
fungi, fungi
- 2021-02-07
Salami? Salami? Salami? Salami? Salami? Salami? Salami? Salami? Salami? Salami?
- 2021-03-05
click clack lobster attack
- 2021-03-12
yes, it's sad but duckducks results suck in comparison to google
- 2021-03-13
lug00ber live now:
- 2021-03-25
- Dance Party!
- 2021-04-14
I have a hardon looking at demos done by boiz. OMG! Am I demogay now?!
wow that gif... :D speechless.
- 2021-04-26
- 2021-06-23
"macro ficken2" nice.
- 2021-07-26
Omg. The unpleasant surprise when you actually read residue threads...
- 2021-07-30
Thank you. That reminded me of 2 girls, one cup...
- 2021-08-10
- elen-6159861.html