the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-08-29
- Optimus: I'm not sure if you wrote a post or not, but you wrote me a mail about the exceed thing
- 2008-08-31
- ················································································ ···········
- 2008-09-14
- 2008-09-22
- 2008-09-28
- Chrome+Simon Playable
- 2008-10-05
- 2008-11-08
- Leave Adok alone!
- 2008-11-12
- I am your father
- 2008-11-15
- how are you?
- 2008-11-20
- YoP !!!
- badger
- badger badger, i like snake!!
- 2008-11-28
- 2008-12-02
- I have never seen a joke no matter how much I'd like to see. No UFO.
- 2008-12-03
- ______________________________
- 2008-12-07
- patents sucks so fucking much:
- alien: I've been not able to watch it full... wtf...
- 2008-12-09
- ### Boni pastoris est tondere pecus, non deglubere ###
- 2008-12-13
- 2008-12-14
- Always I'm asked about nikon vs. canon, I answer to get both cameras in the hand and pick the most compfortable. Both are very similar in price/quality, but Canons use to be little, so it depends on the size of your hands
- 2008-12-18
- If it will run or not is not the question... the question is: will it blend?
- Scaramouche, Scaramouche will you do the fandango
- 2008-12-19
- Yesterday, all my troubles
- 2009-01-02
- 2009-01-05
- ### sad_story(); ###