the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-03-14
- 3*5*7*7 = 1337
- and so is 0x1337
- well, as long as 6*9=42, that's perfectly fine to me ^_^
- 2007-03-15
- Is this to be an empathy test?
- 2007-03-16
- OMFG!!1!! it's 1:57!!one!!
- 2007-03-19
- it's a great day for jousting!
- @Pulsar: here's a preview of my Intellivision version: (now, my quote was not a reference to DotC)
- 2007-03-22
- 2007-03-23
- page created in 60.406998 seconds ... w00t
- who added a sleep(60) on the front page?
- 2007-04-02
- 2007-04-24
- there will be no sorrow when you sing tomorrow, and you walk along with your ding dang dong
- Oh nooo .... they be stealing my keyb
- my ISP sucks! all 10 seconds i get d
- 2007-04-26
- if(preg_match('#(bb|uni)code#i', $oneliner)) echo "DOESN'T WORK!!!!";
- 2007-04-30
- Hmm. Never heard about this Atari ST Dungeon Master clone before : (unfinished, but it includes about 6 playable levels)
- @raina : I did. Sorry to take so long to answer... :-(
- 2007-05-01
- It's been said it's cold beyond the sun. Have you ever been there?
- 2007-05-02
- Leeloo Dallas mul-ti-pass.
- ATA0
- 2007-05-06
- 2007-08-01
- A$ = INPUT$(1)
- 2008-04-17
- while(!wasted) beer++;
- 2009-11-10
- Ainsi se termine le oneliner. A vous Cognacq-Jay.