the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2014-06-05
Pinging Malte Finsterwalder. Is he here? He registered for my meet-up coming Friday. Oh wait, I forgot, cool people are not in the demoscene. ^^
- 2014-06-08
nur für deutsche: tiker (i'll post it here even though the demoscene has no real computer scientists)
:-) jo bin der könig
oh, the evil scene... :-))
- 2014-06-10
theorem: computers should have microphones by default, and these microphones should be on.
- 2014-06-12
tomorrow: programming language creation.
- 2014-06-13
so two people in a demo group is cool to you, but two people creating a language is not? adjust your attitude! btw: russian customer relations vs italian-american customer relations what do you prefer?
hey i met cyraxx on the street today.
- 2014-06-14
- -he-was-stealing-my-milk-549a88.jpg
- 2014-06-15
lol @ Ein Mann und sein Penis kämpfen gegen das Unrecht
- 2014-06-17
gym is a scam, it's for people with sexual problems
- 2014-06-18
stop talking german! nobody understands it!
- 2014-06-19
Why are children discriminated against all the time? "If we learn a child under 13 is using Medium we will terminate the child’s account." (from Is Pouet that way too? ^^
- I think his homepage is now about 15 years old, with that same design.
- 2014-06-21
the world should really stop boycotting me.
- 2014-06-26
Sag ja zu Drogen :-)#
die schwarte quillt
- 2014-06-29
- 2014-07-01
the internet audience sucks
- 2014-08-28
- 2014-09-03
Let's program in poems.
- 2014-09-05
i currently work with 64kbit internet. after months of lobbying for my projects. and you tell me i haven't been wronged?
- 2014-09-07
- 2014-09-08
folks: i want you to stop boycotting me. we have a mission to complete
- 2014-09-13
I just got defeated a little in chess analysis. I'm sure I'm better at coding than him though.