the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2021-03-10
- Once we merge our minds with Barti, wtf will happen (?)
- 2021-03-11
- dipswitch in the news ie-cracker-szene-der-80er-a-0cfdedb2-40e9-436c-9c9b-8c16e35820af
- 2021-03-23
- gibtnix
- 2021-04-04
- Uff Revision compo commentators are annoying to listen to this time
- 2021-04-05
- Dear compo team, no raymarcher in the flex demo. Stop the bullshit
- Well then make that compo moderators. The other guys executing the compo did a fine job
- hfr: good to hear i am not the only one feeling this way. Not sure this is a good way to represent the scene to the outside world
- 2021-04-10
- Neoneye: yup bought a mad catz stick recently for shmups
- 2021-04-11
- V3nom: hplus?
- 2021-04-13
- +1 introspec +1 wurstgetrank +1 gargaj. The perfect finale :)
- 2021-04-16
- why would be selling your photoshop pictures for 50.000$ be moronic? :)
- 2021-04-19
- The foundation of the demoscene is honor, discipline, tradition, authority, superiority. All hail elitegroup!
- 2021-04-20
- next meme please
- 2021-07-21
- Nee, dann doch besser Amon Tobin
- 2021-07-23
- Hallo! Was?
- Hallo? Was!
- 2021-07-27
- nah, just relax surf the web some more
- 2021-07-29
- Okkie? Jazz!
- 2021-08-10
- dumdidum
- 2021-08-11
- /join #dramascene
- 2021-08-18
- DX 7 the API or the synth?
- demoscene nowadays = 5 coders with balls left + 10 dramaqueens + 1000 "artists". There. Discuss :)
- gargaj: nah, i am a drama"artist", much more elite :)
- 2021-09-21
- ohai, LLVM/Rust for 68k (amiga/atari)
- 2021-09-23
- LODA Matthäus