the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2012-02-15
- Finding the original res of an upscaled image - possible?
- gasman: nope, bilinear :( Rare: I don't want to restore it, just want to know the res. FFT, then check the highest frequency?
- it's ok, found a simple method. This is output from an iPhone app. I just compared low, medium, high res photos, there's no difference in detail between low and high. High is just resized :(
- 2012-02-22
- Fact 4: Anka is a Finn in Duckland.
- 2012-03-05
- actually a real place:
- 2012-03-07
- 2012-03-12
- Bought 8GB RAM for my laptop, £24. Sold the 4GB I took out on ebay for £20. The day begins with a win! \o/
- 2012-03-15
- graga: RandomCubeScene(); and gl_Enable(GL_TEXTMODE); are pretty useful too
- 2012-03-22
- Woo! NEW AMIGA! Wait... no, it's another linux PC, this time stuffed into a poor mac mini copy instead of a breadbox :(
- 2012-03-26
- nystep: lame excuse.
- 2012-04-03
- Arriving before the beer truck is sure to cause disappointment.
- wtf is this site?
- 2012-04-04
- A post-party disease gives you the excuse to take that week off you need to recover from the party. It's a good thing!
- 2012-04-12
- noby: you need to copy + paste it into the one-liner, then press the submit button.
- 2012-04-17
- ekoli: that's not what he means at all. What he means makes a lot less sense and involves telepathy.
- 2012-04-18
- First the poles have their scene site closed down, now you're going to invert their magnetism? Can it get any worse?
- 2012-04-20
- People get paid to mention three.js in the one-liner too. *high-fives evilpaul*
- 2012-05-03
- I know waht poo means now; wow! NOOON.. with sinusoids to draw smell.
- 2012-05-04
- i like to play my volume data through speakers
- 2012-05-15
- Maybe we're doing it all wrong? How about we just size-optimise a word document instead?
- 2012-05-20
- fuckings to fucking, it's fucking up the scene
- 2012-05-31
- Your morning care bear fix:
- gloom: you actually posted another of that guy's pics on twitter, right after I saw this one elsewhere. Didn't notice it was the same guy until now :)
- 2012-06-14
- evilpaul: underneath the first one. Then blur a rocky sphere between them.
- 2012-06-15
- Given the tools to make pretty much anything you can imagine, why would you choose to make a dirty factory?