the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-08-02
- \o/
- 2008-08-03
- Piclens feed?
- 2008-08-08
- it is not
- 2008-08-10
- ps: we now own you, abide or die.
- ps: mailed you 'what'
- in 5 mins i'm officially on vacation
- 2008-08-12
- life sux.
- 2008-08-13
- just coded a signature parser in excel. fuckings to excel.
- if it helps, i hate you, too
- you're welcome.
- most people including me should fight against global warming
- 2008-08-15
- in soviet russian something ends you
- 2008-08-16
- nectarine hacked??? :(
- pls tolower() the fucking oneliner tnx -.-
- 2008-08-17
- g00dm00rning p0u3t
- 2008-08-18
- amplitude*sin(2*pi*frequency*time) ftw!!1
- 2008-08-19
- you know when you know unknown knows
- 2008-08-21
- manowar is not metal, just bullshit
- 2008-08-22
- titan is jarig? omg, happy baguette jarig!
- Most primates including myself have some hair
- 2008-08-24
- too much daft punk? happens...
- 2008-08-25
- /^(tre)(?(?=[0-z]{1,8}$)(?:([a-z]{0,8})([0-9]{1,8}))|^.*)$/i
- 2008-08-26
- msvlibcrt
- 2008-08-31
- good xmas