the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2017-05-11
- fucking arseholes next door have got a wood fireplace, and no my house smells like smoke all the time
- Sings - "come back as fire, Burn all the liers, Leave a blanket of ash on the ground"
- 2017-05-13
- You're inside the fridge. You've eaten too many carrots, you are now Donald Trump.
- 2017-05-16
- @Barti - You sunk my Battleship!
- 2017-05-23
- 2017-05-24
- All the time
- 2017-06-09
- any tool to convert 320x200 image to c64 raw data 12,0,234,54,34 etc etc?
- 2017-07-21
- 2017-07-22
- 2017-07-23
- No coding required, Our magical elves will do all the job!
- 2017-08-24
- that moment when you accidentally used visual basic