the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2021-01-24
What's up with the Bernie craze all of a sudden?
- 2021-01-29
Snicksnack å rappakalja..
- 2021-01-30
sim: same to you!
Serpent: Helluva nice combo :P
- 2021-01-31
"the cringefactor" been there done that, no deaththreats afair but still..
True dat Maali
Guess so ;)
- 2021-02-01
Never mind the bollocks
- 2021-02-05
- 2021-02-06
So it's a one trick pony then?
Was that a notch ;)
Far jag kan inte få upp min kokosnöt (physically or mentally
Of course there is
action has consequences
Go figure, the director might be Fred Durst :|
Guess the sugar has kicked in by now then ;)
Lol :)
Agree, Alankomaat has been there for a while..
Tomaat? As in raving tomatoes i presume
So I've seen, probably bought some of them .nl tomatoes here in .se too
- 2021-02-07
Rolling rolling rolling Rawhide
The hills have eyes
- 2021-02-10
Love is in the lair
- 2021-02-11
- disappointment blues
- 2021-02-12
Lager sounds good