the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2001-09-01
- rammstein saugt
- 2001-09-04
- puuät?
- 2001-09-08
- strange what you call funny, i didn't even smile when i saw it for the first time
- search for the user bizk :)
- 2001-09-11
- the world collapses today
- 2001-09-12
- sounds like they aren't very educated or at least don't care about foreign politics, that's sad
- 2001-09-25
- 'wurscht'
- 2001-09-26
- nice new logo, bizk :) it's spelt 'archive' though
- 2001-10-19
- shave gun
- 2001-10-31
- "wie flashig!"
- 2001-11-04
- hm, i'd like to see the results :)
- 2001-11-06
- doh, since the 0.8i update pouet is extreeeemly slow here
- 2001-11-09
- huh? i wonder where it's gone to, too
- <- concrete
- 2001-11-30
- 10 minutes o_O
- 2001-12-01
- doh, only one month to go and another year has passed
- 2001-12-05
- anyone care to make a cd32 demo? :)
- sprocket: would be cool, at least i've never seen a cd32-only one :)
- well, it also has a special kickstart (doesn't make any difference though). but why make demos for exotic hardware at at all? :)
- 2001-12-13
- tomaes: "shopping cart" ;)
- 2002-01-01
- perfect, i only got 1.70DM left in cash. and happy new year everyone :)
- 2002-01-05
- have sex!
- 2002-01-08
- i heard some us-americans call the euro "euro-dollar" :)
- 2002-01-10
- doh, a flood of new logos
- in the "early days" there was a new logo every two months or so ;)