the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2006-12-01
StingRay relax! Nee radio piraterij is echt 80ties.
Jah hieah sijn we weah dan! Yep, ik ben ook een hele grote fan van Italo en ik ben maar 17 jaar oud. Ik run ook een webstation. Italo is echt mooi.
Im very thirsty but im too lazy too stand up and get some soda...
- 2006-12-02
Does some one knows a site where I can download AMIGA tools such as GFX tools etc.
Very funny RAY, if I knew where you live then I would unskin you then cut you in pieces fucker.
Then we would see if he is tough as he acts on this community. fag
Stupid internet hooligan, i saw a TV prog about people like you, their life is the internet life, they live in a cyberworld. Really poor, working on a virtual status. Get A Life.
Is that all you can say? You scene fucker, atleast im doing my best to create something, even if I see an ugly demo I give a thumb-up (for their hardworking), you retard you de-motivate people.
bad people liek you dont deserve to life on this beautiful planet
Eat first some hamburgers first.
im going to buy an amiga 1200
Wat heb jij eigenlijk met het jaar 1870? gistere typtte jij dat ook
wie van jullie heeft zn cocaïne in de dames toiletten van de 2e kamer vergeten?
Iemand heeft het daar echt vergeten (geen grap), ik hoorde het op zo een haagse omroep station
Ohhh zo irritant gek dat 1870 gedoe
retarted fuckers everywhere
retarted fuckers are fucking everywhere with any one
retarted fuckers are fucking everywhere with any other retarted fuckers who are fucking everywhere with any one who fucked with any retard
with their fucking 70ties art interface, fuck that stupid mainstream tv station! OMFG and that program "My Sweet 16" DAMZ those fucking sodomized teens should be burned ALIVE!
lol, really those spoilet fuckers really "populair kids" piss me off OMFG btw Im not going to do any flash dmeo any more going to do gfx such as patch skins for crack groups
Yep yep go go eurodance
Go Go 0day