the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-08-06
- he who is free of sin, let him cast the first stone
- now in HD(tm): SNAP
- hey it worked :) it was the HD!
- snap my fingers make you mine, if not I'll snap a second time
- wow, stuff in HD really seems to work.
- after that I guarantee you will be standing next to me
- solo2 democomments rock
- song, people dancing
- solo2 illegal telepathy posts rule
- it's not fun when tomaes does that! you are not solO2 :/
- /me hugs kb
- /me hugs iblis
- ### song, people dancing ###
- pullote is the new pollute ! :D
- /me hugs his bass
- <-- oh snap, backfire oldie mc unsuited candidate
- and I just kissed my babes again
- gloom: "talking about policies she surely favors loose border controls in the southern areas" ;)
- ### song, people dancing ###
- ### song, people dancing ###
- ### song, people dancing ###
- ### song, people dancing ###
- ### song, people dancing ###
- 7
- ### song, people dancing ###