the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-01-30
- 2011-01-31
Would you trade your funk for what's behind the thrid door?
- 2011-02-04
I just vomitted pink. Fucking doughnuts.
- 2011-02-08
No, we're just bitshifting with one byte a time. You might say we're *takes off sunglasses* bytepushing.
- 2011-02-09
Why don't those raymarching guys set up a wiki? That thread is just going to get cluttered itself...
ZING! Wooooaaaaa! It's on NOW bra!
- 2011-02-11
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
tekkato tocvi lupiiben newoks lagolätksmet :/
Ambient occlusion in FPS games is a joke. What a dumb idea.
Srsly though. Look at this . That's not realistic! And the realistic part of it can be done with simple lightmaps.
There's a difference between SSAO and regular AO?
- 2011-02-13
DRM was enforced to increase piracy! Lawsuits make for a great income!
ZA WARUDO may now !
- 2011-02-15
realtime rayfarting
- 2011-02-18
Conway's Game Of Death!!!
uw moeder is een vorm van incontinentie
- 2011-02-24
those young jesus books are just fanfic by haters!
my mother wrote the bible after she downed a red label
you know, like pepper or salt or thyme or tarragon
actually, yesterday I did some italian seasoning mix in my tobacco pipe. yummy
- 2011-02-26
oi! me too!
- 2011-02-27
Was your face too ugly for the book?
- 2011-02-28
I think it's kinda funny that I'm functioning like a robot on coffee in my AI classes.
but i want a c64!