the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2016-11-12
- @g0blinish yes i know, read the board, im in no hurry
- 2016-11-13
- whats a fair price for a used C64 in AUD no box or monitor?
- Join my forum god commands me to post spam and i shall obey
- Fucking Methheads!
- 2016-11-16
- Like an AT Field?
- 2016-11-19
- 2016-11-24
- just dropping a line in but i went to Wanted and messaged to help with got papers? and haven't heard anything back for 5 days now :(
- 2016-11-25
- 3211
- 2017-05-04
- @LeGlend hq video from this? Monotypia anyone? :) - uploading noaw
- NP, gave me a reason to test my new gfx card's recording function :)
- If you clean a Vacuum Cleaner, You are a Vacuum Cleaner.
- Touché
- Uploading MONOTYPIA BY BYTERAPERS 2 youtube finally finished, not sure about the quality at 720p though
- uploading ojo de dios HD capture to youtubes, gonna take a while....
- 2017-05-05
- Upload compleet, pls check quality Gloperators, if not good enough i can re-encode
- Thanks for the tip leGend - i'll see what i can do
- @krabob - yea ok, gimme a couple of hrs and i should be able to get around to it
- @krabob - sorry just realised it will take too long to upload with my connection here (60Kb/s) I have access to a faster connection but not until tommorow.
- Be Braves like indians
- 2017-05-06
- time to make and submit some more shitty pouet logos!
- 2017-05-08
- Any windoze prods need youtubing? - my computer has nothing to chew on
- Rock'n'Roll Deathspheres - Captured, Will upload soon
- jelly
- 2017-05-10