the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2014-05-22
- hä? what's wrong with the top of the month list? where's rift/tbl?
- yeah, but if iirc it was there yesterday. and i can swear i saw the wizards of cos there a few minutes ago..
- ok got it ;)
- 2014-05-26
- D3D11_MAP_WRITE grrrr
- las: yeah, works now.. sometimes the SDK docs are really "unclear"..
- thanks, but iirc vs express does not support the debug layer..
- yeah, you are right, just googled it. I'm still using the legacy June 2010 SDK :)
- las & scali: thanks for the hints, I'll look into it. i removed d3dx from my code already a while ago ;)
- 2014-10-23
- spacezilla by dubballs
- 2015-02-16
- [url=]Dispel ling the myths around QueryPerformanceCounter[/url]. jsyk.
- 2015-04-14
- scene graphs stolen
- 2016-03-20
- FunGas: that would make a really cool demo name :)
- 2016-03-23
- ohno, evos is closing? bad news..
- 2017-11-06
- yep, we need more 3state!
- 2017-11-09
- phat demos > fat demos
- 2017-11-13
- Make greater demos with ideas, style and fucking skills dammit
- 2018-01-12
- is still online
- 2018-06-20
- Prospektverschreibung
- 2018-08-23
- I go off because I have an idea
- 2018-08-28
- I am actually more of a decibel than ever.
- 2018-11-28
- 20 years of dreamcast sole-a-1238899.html
- 2019-01-17
- But seriously.
- 2019-06-05
- hardy, seems you have no clue about pc demos. go enjoy your 320x180 blocky pixels, running in 10-16fps
- hardy: i would argue that making _good_ pc demos is much harder than pc 4k/8k stuff :)
- 2019-08-15
- I feel tired