the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-06-23
- I am invited to funeral of a scene? Btw, are they gonna be held in germany ? >:)
- 2004-07-02
- :)))
- 2004-07-05
- all your ojuice if fukin down. all your corona extra blows me
- 2004-07-06
- yes ! gooddamn oneliner erase on mouseclick now gone ! thx drunken lobster, whoever. and in the beginning is cool too.
- 2004-07-08
- damn ! why the fuck i cannot switch to "all" comments ? it just shows 25 again and again. i suspect some skilful claws on this !
- candypron rocks
- get your ass to vc !
- 2004-07-12
- shit i lost the point of life. anybody ?
- 2004-07-16
- gamma2 for coup de coeur !!! \o/ (o) \o/
- 2004-07-24
- wow ! Keops greets TPOML. Next time don't forget byterappers and reply ;)
- ryg : can we even wonder if there will be a final of fr-029 ? the trick is it does _not_ work with _any_ ti4200 driver available ( except ol good 25.x or 29.x ) :(
- 2004-07-25
- ryg : np. i'll even try to debug it if i have time today/tomorrow.
- 2004-07-26
- there is similar ( as i can see ) program for only $149 :P
- 2004-07-29
- use a huge bottle to check out what booze really means..huh...
- haha :) read this ;) i can post md5 hash to prove that i've read it >:) 1813b3dca3139b0076115d2eca1219bb
- if he fucks himself - then he's a gay or not ? :/
- 2004-08-19
- hihi pouet has a bug hihihi
- ah, gargaj, there are two :) didnt take that old one into account :))
- this one is better. there are even some comments on bodyparts.
- 2004-09-04
- All your onelines are belong to darkhero
- 2004-09-05
- Packtro or cracktro? packer or crack !!!
- 2004-09-09
- bah.. this is what ? you're like holding two skateboards on that smile ?.. :)
- 2004-09-13
- </irony> </stupidity> <br> <flood>
- 2004-09-20