the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2017-04-29
- A lifehack: don't worry about your soundtrack's dynamics since YouTube has automatic compression anyway :D/
- wertstahl: I was being a bit cheeky, actually they just turn down the super loud brickwall compressed tracks:
- 2017-05-07
- why not assign ps's avatar by default?
- 2017-05-08
- Has anyone else ran into this annoyance with Rocket?
- 2017-06-06
- A super interesting interview! Now I want an X68000.
- 2017-06-08
- 2017-06-11
- mog: here's an old exe if it's any help:
- 2017-09-20
- Implicit int -> float conversion (e.g. float a = 1;) in desktop GL: yes/no? Spec says it's ok
- 2017-09-30
- aqu your track in the Deadline streaming music compo was super!
- 2018-03-11
- cxw: thanks for the thread recommendation
- 2018-03-26
- visit berlin prototype
- 2018-03-28
- You'd need one of those DGX-1 home computers to run your CNN demos at full 50 Hz framerate
- 2018-05-19
- How do I enable optional operator inputs in tooll2? E.g. for camera shake.
- 2018-05-20
- Thanks hardy!
- 2018-05-21
- someone introduce this man to zden's demos
- 2018-05-24
- How do I delete annotations in tooll2? This is so annoying..
- 2018-06-11
- If you've ever got an annoying Nvidia shader compiler bug `error C7565: assignment to varying 'x'`, it's worth updating to latest drivers :)
- 2018-06-17
- presented without comment
- 2018-06-20
- does Projektbeschreibung platform needs to be subdivided?
- 2018-06-26
- I love Heinali :) One of his songs was an inspiration for Pheromone's soundtrack
- 2018-07-17
- does screenshots on the prod page needs to be subdivided?
- 2018-08-01
- Deep Hyttynen
- 2018-08-06
- Any good tutorials on how to stop democoding? Which programming language should I use? Asking for a friend.
- 2018-08-07
- Use of Compofiller Studio et cetera
- 2018-08-26
- My deepest condolences.