the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2012-07-01
- Felice4 I want to hear more abot that Moleman2 thing you said
- 2012-07-08
- best to folks at Edison and Rewired!
- 2012-07-09
- you wanna code it?
- 2012-08-21
- the oneliner is worse than the BBS
- 2012-09-17
- So at my count, we presently have six living demoparties in the Americas: @party, Recursion, PixelJam, the Magfest demoparty, Demosplash, and Art Engine. ***YAY!!!!***
- 2012-09-24
- Je vais juste rester ici et mange le popcorn. : D *mdr*
- 2012-09-28
- Best wishes to everyone at Function!
- 2012-10-05
- lovely - make sure to mouseover
- 2012-10-22
- las and kb mad science appears to be afoot O_O
- 2012-10-28
- I wonder what the Scenepoints to Okkies exchange rate is at the Royal Bank of Haujobb. Definitely better than PayPals international transaction rates.
- 2012-11-25
- madbrain wants to make you laugh
- BITS works a crowd.
- 2012-11-28
- musical prediction of nanomaterial properties
- 2012-11-29
- star wars snowflakes le&id=60:star-wars-snowflakes-2012&catid=34:anthonydesign-blog
- 2012-12-11
- there is anymore, and there is yet. The future is not over.
- 2012-12-12
- via jscott Twitter: "It appears @github is going to delete many, many thousands of files with about 90 days notice."
- 2013-01-04
- @party 2013: Now at MIT. Further news soon.
- 2013-01-16
- Vegan at Revision 2013? Vegan at Revision 2013? email questions @ atparty dash demoscene dot net. Perhaps we can band together.
- 2013-01-23
- vegetarians, vegans, visit Revision thread!
- who knows, more of them might come if food can be more easily arranged. Not the orgas fault there are only a few caterers around; the solution is to help. So I shall.
- 2013-03-06
- 2013-03-21
- Oh, the misogyny is annoying, but unfortunately the misogynists only listen to guys. So the annoyed folks tend to ignore them the same way they ignore us.
- +1 to Preacher as well as Gargaj
- 2013-05-06
- Archive Team, we need you.
- 2013-05-18
- When paragraphs look like faces, and their corners look like vectors, it is time to take a break.