the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-04-24
- time is to unicode on the onliner
- 2013-08-05
- AMcBain, is that somewhat laserburned using a lasercutter? Would like to see the revision logo.
- 2013-08-12
- ohh so we will see a standard raymarching 4k with fucked up aspect ratio - @evoke? Something new would be awesome.
- 2013-08-14
- 2013-08-16
- evoke.
- 2013-08-18
- gloom: <3
- 2013-08-21
- muhahah heise. klimax verpasst. "gläserne Dämonenfratze". Dringend nochmal neu angucken... Viel falscher geht nicht.
- 2013-08-23
- 2013-09-05
- call _cuLaunchKernel@44
- spike: we will see, just playing around. with things.
- 2013-09-14
- overrated :)
- 2013-09-18
- pouët 2.0: ünicøde иow шőrks in the σneliήer
- 2013-09-29
- great job.
- 2013-10-03
- Notiz an mich: Zu sowas sollte man keine Youtube Kommentare lesen...
- 2013-10-19
- DUB Awards. nice trolling :)
- 2013-11-15
- hardy... m( guten morgen.
- 2013-11-23
- 2013-11-29
- You can easily find some email addresses on that webpage or just call them? The response time might be better than email?
- 2013-12-29
- We expect an awesome min & merry 8k. DO IT.
- kewlers suck!
- 2014-01-03
- 2014-01-13
- \o/
- 2014-02-14
- hammertime.
- 2014-04-19
- shash/collapse read your partymeister messages and contact the infoteam ASAP (bring a debug build)
- 2014-04-22
- friol, what about IRCnet? ;)