the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-08-13
- photojournalism at its best - fuck human madness :(
war deathes, people watching the OG
OG have nothing to do with ethics, those are a TV show
- 2008-08-14
heh Field Trip 720p version is a good benchmark to challenge H264 codecs by the superfast moves/variations
- 2008-08-15
trc_wm: the 80s called they want their synth and beats back! (great tune btw :D)
- 2008-08-16
for a fistful of oil, tragically gorgeous.
teh drifters never disappoint =)
i'm waiting for a OHP compo that ends with the destruction of the OHP maching itself in a big fireworks \o/
- 2008-08-19
psonice: the ability to make dead/moribund politicians speak.
- 2008-08-20
jamaica rulez
- 2008-08-21
- captcha is teh fun... NOT!
- epic pwnage
- not so offensive :)
- this is not a bug this is a feature!
- 2008-08-22
- texas teachers to carry guns at school... AMERICA FUCK NO!
and that means no funny joke like glue on teachers' chairs :(
- 2008-08-23
Most people including myself have some penis sensibility
- 2008-08-25
T.A.G., Totally Against Graffiti
great logo stebo :)
- 2008-08-26
great movie reference :>
- 2008-08-27
rather nvscene08 :p
- 2008-08-30
- donkey tuning
- 2008-09-01
hitch; pouet is about visuals - only musicdisks are uploaded :p
- 2008-09-03
and v2.0 beta is already ruling the universe :D
- 2008-09-04
- "We are a company founded by gamers, funded by gamers, owned by gamers, aimed at gamers."