the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2012-11-29
- the love of power
- 2012-12-19
- After that, nothing but vagina
- 2012-12-31
- Magic vagina!
- 2013-02-08
- yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
- 2013-03-06
- good coder arguments, bah
- 2013-03-29
- Rob supnik tellin' us like it is
- 2013-05-10
- time is to haxor on the 1337
- we shall send a scener to mars
- 2013-05-13
- when you see him coming get the fuck out the exits?
- 2013-05-16
- I met a girl accross the sea, her hair as gold as gold can be
- detachable penis is better then attached penis
- 2013-05-17
- 0recursive
- 2013-05-20
- pants?
- 2013-06-06
- imagine, unicode on the oneliner
- I don't believe you
- 2013-06-10
- I know what you're thinking... hello goodbye end
- 2013-06-17
- ### Legal telepathic unicode on pouet onliner ###
- 2013-08-18
- you know who else wanted to delete the internet? Hitler, think about it
- 2013-08-29
- hello goodbye end
- 2013-09-06
- bloody gnu c
- 2013-09-08
- extend the sign. hours of debugging :/
- 2013-10-02
- my nizzle
- 2014-01-04
- pantsbutt mcgee
- 2014-01-17
- wrote myself a wikipedia page and it stayed up for at least half a day. Hope it stands review. I'm kinda proud even though I was the one who wrote it
- Adok, because I'm functional and it's important to be visible. scenenstahl> Yes I can!! I have a great artist that I'm working with and an awesome track. We're working on it