the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2021-08-12
- Beer is empty. Needs a new one.
- 2021-08-13
- :D Gabbie ...
- 8bitbubsy: I take the chance to thank you very much for your Protracker and Fasttracker Clone. <3
- My skylight makes a Jedi sword noise. Luke? Is it you?
- Hmm I have advertising on my youtube videos without being a yt partner and nothing is monetized. How can that be?
- sensenstahl: This detail probably passed me by.
- - Listen Hardcore or F... off!
- To make a demo about it. :)
- Offliner? Yes!
- This Onliner now officially wants YOU to go write a book about it instead. Please comply.
- How to plandamic and ruin everything
- 2021-08-14
- I see you already have your Bratwurst. :D
- Pro tip: If you expect understanding from others, just call them idiot, wanker, Nazi or pedo. *winksmiley*
- "the owners of this demoscene community" - There is no owner to be clear. :)
- 1337 That was the price i payed today on EDEKA
- 2021-08-16
- Everyone has an asshole tbh.
- IAN DURY - Plaistow Patricia (youtube that!) :D
- The ethic answers on pouet brought to you by ethic Demoscene powered by Unesco.
- E-Woke :)
- 2021-08-17
- carbonara ... e una coca cola
- Shave your desktop
- Mine is too short. Release more.
- Salat ist gut für's Haar.
- Chillmode