the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2001-08-11
- 2001-08-12
- have atar
- 2001-08-14
- it's just an illusion © Imagination
- 2001-08-16
- too late buddy, i know where you live ...
- ahahah :) you little goony :)
- 2001-08-21
- ich bin ein Berliner
- 2001-08-27
- Ich bin ein Berliner.
- 2001-09-30
- one cucumber a day keeps the doctor away
- 2001-10-01
- maybe that's why demomakers are so bad with girls :))
- 2002-01-14
- it had to be tried
- 2002-02-04
- gentlemen, start your flames (again)
- 2002-02-07
- trémousse ta moustache, dandine-toi comme un dandy
- 2002-02-15
- Fear me because i'm too sexy for my shirt.
- 2002-03-04
- je trouve que beaucoup de gens sont méchants
- 2002-03-11
- i'll take it away from you and stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger till it goes 'clic'
- 2002-03-17
- _O_ \O/ <O> je suis si fort
- 2002-04-14
- no need to suffer, Patrick Hernandez said we were born to be alive :)
- 2002-07-09
- Qui traduisait si bien la chanson de la poule à l'heure du pondant ... Amandine ?!
- No matter the language, everyone speaks Pringles ©
- 2002-07-11
- holala la France, zut alors !
- yes please.
- ^^^ ringard
- 2002-07-13
- Je possède une moustache :{D
- 2002-07-22
- 2002-07-23
- Better naked than without my moustache