the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-03-04
- Stop! 8-BitTime!
- and he's respected? =)
- 2009-03-16
- can't tell if it's a joke or not, but it sure is ugly as hell!
- 2009-04-03
- 2009-04-09
- 2009-04-12
- i fully agree!
- 2009-04-29
- great job Keith! -b
- 2009-04-30
- yo Optimus. just FYI S40 phone are *pure* *genuine* crap
- 2009-05-06
- ### Brioche, Bonsoir! ###
- 2009-05-07
- 2Ecom%2Fhome%2Ephp&feature=player_embedded
- yup interresting read, but sad news :(
- ah nanas!
- keops: bin kin!
- 2009-05-08
- ### dans ton cul ###
- 2009-05-09
- put it on the ritz
- 2009-05-13
- havoc: nvidia defaced the site!
- 2009-05-15
- ham: indeed i major-fail, but you fixed, thx :)
- 2009-05-21
- cuz oil == good rock
- 2009-05-23
- ### weekend, beer ###
- good to know outline is great! sadly i missed the deadline for my music remote entry, like a pure noob!
- dracoony: no idea what it sais but i understood everything, i think
- 2009-05-25
- ### hip-hop, Optimus rapping ###
- 2009-05-26
- power metal
- 2009-06-02
- i'd say it depends on where the 4 inches are ;)