the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2001-07-25
- tired of slow, mediocre flat shaded bullshit. try something different, any-one?
- 2001-08-04
- optimus: 666 glops. yer 3v1l.
- 2001-08-08
- wha!? a squarepusher vid by blasphemy?! where can i see it?!?
- 2001-09-12
- i hate usa also. but i don't cheer when thousands of innocent ppl die. whatever country they may be in.
- 2001-10-27
- coding is torture.
- 2001-11-22
- i hate being shy.
- 2001-11-25
- shows ppl have bad taste <g>.
- 2001-11-29
- aaah... was dreamin about a pager-11 win version!
- 2001-12-09
- lsd
- 2002-01-08
- 2002-01-14
- i must say bhead's avatar rules pretty hard =o)
- 2002-01-15
- fuck you, fuck me, fuck everybody!
- 2002-01-17
- have gay sex
- 2002-06-25
- get a cookie coz u'll need one to post
- 2002-07-04
- square win32 with source code! happiness!
- 2002-07-05
- humans suck. but that's no reason to feel depressed.
- we want hplus win32!
- 2002-07-19
- fuck windows xp!
- 2002-08-14
- mfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- 2002-08-28
- optimus: so there are two girls in some atari group. so what?
- 2002-10-27
- also, sunday mornings are yucky because of the hangover you've aquired after saturday's adventures.
- 2002-11-08
- +/-0
- 2002-11-11
- demomike: i urge you to reconsider!
- 2002-11-16
- teenage mutant ninja coders.
- 2002-11-19
- både och!