the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2021-02-09
- ip a un snm eijo dejkn jpekls soi kwk 62879SLa lakssk [][e;'s...,s/a
- pouetine
- 2021-02-10
- tfw you're writing the word tutorial and hit caps lock and type tutoriL
- i was writing some css and typed whit instead of white so i declared the variable --whit in :root and used var(--whit) instead of adding the e at the end
- 2021-02-11
- i have a 2 giant mario stuffies and they both look dumb
- 2021-02-12
- i like chocolate
- 2021-02-13
- i have a golf ball a friend gave me and it rests indefinitely either inside a drawer or on my nightstand
- yeah my golf ball is an irl qubit it either exists in the drawer or my nightstand, it is unknown until obversed
- i think schrodinger might have used other things i own
- 2021-02-14
- im playing super mario maker because i left my mac on while running it and i was half-awake and heard the music coming from somewhere so i looked around and found my mac was the source of the music so i started playing
- 2021-02-15
- im gonna play super mario maker again
- 2021-02-16
- i put some water in a bottle of crush grape soda and it has the slight essence of grape soda
- 2021-02-17
- update: i got smm2, i have no idea how it works
- next cgmj,kgdhyjfkutstytkurdfuiyghilj please
- 2021-02-18
- when i was little i thought that kids didn't exist in las vegas, like adults just popped into existence
- 2021-02-20
- i got mathics (mathematica but free) and im probably gonna use it for 3-5 hours and stop using it
- 2021-02-21
- i cleared out over 16 gigs on my mac by compounding CleanMyMac X, OmniDiskSweeper, and strategical deletion of application support on apps that i deleted
- ok i installed unity 2018 and i have 7 gigs remaning, if you want the most useless program: (basically just a building, and one of the windows are red, because at like 3AM I thought that meant the music is playing from there)
- because it was the smallest version that ran on my mac
- update: i have 24 gigs of free space cleared out by some mysterious force that wasn't me, i have no idea why, and how it happened, but i guess it did
- 2021-02-22
- ok turns out it was icloud cleaning itself, and also a bit of SAM (Secret Apple Magic)
- pouetis: ng
- when I feel TL;DR, I feel TL;DR
- handwriting is just your font that you got taught to use in school
- they lit it with SFM (Secret Fire Magic)