the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2017-07-29
- @sensenstahl .. was not sure if its allowed for groups; I thought only for parties ?!
- 2017-08-01
- if you can read this something went wrong @chrome
- 2017-08-05
- any M$ .NET prods out there ?
- @sensenstahl .. group & prod add at worked as suggested by you ! Thx !
- #Still & Co ... interesting, would have never thought that .Net is suitable for demos ..
- 2017-08-06
- oh, dear doctor, what happens if I forgot to use Aronal in the morning, ? Can I get pregnant of it ?
- Dr. Sommer answered never that directly
- Everything is fine, Mr. Kaiser said, I'm safe 'cause I'm insured with Allianz !
- 2017-08-07
- c64@60 but a lot high end prods without video ..
- sounds cool .. any regularly scener beer meetings in berlin ?
- 2017-08-08
- @v3nom: thx ! hm .. but I'm a "facebook refusenik" and das ist gut so ;-)
- I'm oldskool - I've real friends and a paper friendbook
- yeah, sounds cool .. I guess i286 is a oldskool platform in accordance with the party rules ?!
- ... cool location #deadline
- 2017-08-21
- Schuster bleib bei deinen Leisten ..
- Intros define bollywood
- 2017-08-23
- drink, drink more and kick the rig
- 2017-08-29
- Ich bin ein Kaffeesachse
- 2017-09-01
- I didn't fight for billions of colors, I'm color blind, so I'm happy with my 256 colors .. and 4k is overrated when you need glasses like ashtrays, so 320x200 is enough ..
- 2017-09-02
- 50 shades of grey is not a demo related topic
- 2017-09-03
- Singing in demos: Pouet Idol 2017
- 2017-09-05
- that moment when you accidentally mistyped dostoprimetschatelnosti
- You've got me :)
- that moment when you accidentally mistyped Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
- 2017-09-06
- Why almost all modern demos are monochrome ? Coders finally realized they cannotinto colors