the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2016-05-10
- come on big guy, try me :) just back up your words, but hell I know you're scared, and I'll drop the mic now, you're just scared of me and you should be.
- I handed my number, my address, my understanding, about everything. Some people just need a fucking beating, but I won't throw the first punch so out the window goes your charge of whatever kind.
- Getting yourself off? Because it can't be you're lady you're pleasing. And Twitter, really? I don't have a fucking account there :)
- Oh I deserve it - I made a deal with Gargaj that I royally violated.
- Come and get me pussy.
- I had, got that fixed. See, we had personal conversation in the past. What the hell went south?
- you're just a very, very sad man m0d, I can't even come up with any insult that I figure would be throwing at you
- I don't fucking want to hear from you or your partner again. But tread lightly when dealing with a gangster. Out.
- Come and trade 2 shots with me and you'll know who has heavy hands and who is the pussy. But you're an internet warrior, I gave you my full details, you chicken out.
- Drama queen, can't handle a fistfight without turning it into a technicolor rainhyperbole?
- I'm fucking done with this. Ring me up m0d, I'll even wrap your hands in gloves or have a talk if you prefer, but never EVER threaten a gangster. My knuckles have more scars on them than your soul.
- You'll soon find out that I did not. You were free to meet me here or not, I offered to talk all the time, I have the log. And you're a keyboard cowboy. Take the loss and fuck off, tosser.
- And once more, you have NO legal anything m0d, you're just unable to talk things over and dick it over and over and then get all scared when someone wants to punch you in the fucking jaw like a MAN. I say WANT, not DO. See the difference, dickwad?
- Try and wallow in disappointment. Also, this log won't help you. But go ahead and fool yourself some more.
- You don't have what it takes, buddy boy. Despite our beef nobody comes in between me and m0d's quarrel.
- Recourse for what *I* did, please tell me what that is except a testosterone interweb fight so far?
- It won't be, this log will prove how mentally ill you are and how many times I wanted to resolve, and still do, this in peace.
- Well I think I uttered "resolve" and "talk" enough, but I should not have bothered.
- 2016-05-17
- so I strike, like Thunderball
- 2017-10-29
- and the wichita lineman, is still on the line
- 2017-11-13
- did your mom get scared?
- 2017-11-20
- havoc: jij blijft ook maar mensen op de tenen trappen he? ;)
- "trek het je niet zo aan" *kuch* *struikelt*