the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-05-31
oh man belgian waffles <3
demo *lol = new demo("make amazing demo"); demo->play();
syntax error :/
### pong, people bouncing ###
- 2009-06-01
SoLo's telepathy count on that oneliner stats page is... priceless. Thanks crossbow.
ein RAID, ein Backup, eine Nation
:panic:: there's a reason it's called "plug & pray"
- 2009-06-02
your mom
dwarf, you are playing with fire. he can practically take pouet down due to an exploding database.
there's one specific troll who uses pouet bbs as if it was his blog. he deserves even more fuckings than solo2 for now.
kickban the rest of us, so that pouet can be solely optimus'
27 sucks btw, it's like 2 - 7 offsuit which is the worst hand in poker. :/
I accidentially ... the whole SoLo. ILLEGALLY!
- 2009-06-03
err... wtf is wrong with that? (-2)² = -2 * -2 = +4
earx: still, negatives squared isn't negative as i is not a negative number.
muffins to math lamers!
I should so go buy some but the weather sucks.
here's how to solve it: uninstall flash.
Crab Lord
Crap Crab Lord
ymmärän ja haluan jatka... vittu perkele... vitun blogspotti
- 2009-06-04
I beg to differ, oh btw pouet oneliner might be the rip-off idea behind tweeter. someone needs to sue those fucks.
yes optimus, the world needs to know more about your crap.