the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2012-12-30
Rush Hour much?
- 2012-12-31
Last day of the year. I'm late'ish for work.
- 2013-01-01
I've heard 2013 is the year of linux.
- 2013-01-02
Using windows 7 after gettings used to windows 8 feels like a step backward. Dual monitor support is so much better on 8 :/
- 2013-01-12
- ambient occlusion gangnam style
- 2013-01-16
- demo my oculus rift me beautiful
- 2013-01-17
Punch a penguin.
- 2013-01-27
Nokia dropped support for some 5 OSes in 2 years...
- 2013-01-28
unsigned long long penis;
class __TEMP { public: signed bool penis; };
- 2013-01-29
There is a total of 486 people registered!
the 80s called. they want their future back.
- 2013-01-31
The world needs more direct routes to Saarbrucken during easter :(
- 2013-02-02
Someone should bring back Blibb Blobb.
- 2013-02-03
It's a zillion times slower than the original. Wow.
- this thing looks cool to use with gnu rocket
- 2013-02-04
I agree, but it's relativly cheap.
- 2013-03-06
He uses linux.
- 2013-03-15
windows 8 is as good as any other windows, with some cool desktop improvements, it just has a fullscreen start menu.
the world needs an atheist pope
- 2013-03-16
- gema stuff :S
- 2013-03-28
Harley Davidson